sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2009
sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2009
La Buena Vida - Qué nos va a pasar
Me encanta esta canción! Eis a letra:
Cada día trato de acertar por dónde saldrás;
eso es tanto como adivinar qué nos va a pasar
Has estado, hace tiempo, algo raro por momentos
Me pregunto algo inquieta qué nos va a pasar
No recuerdo cuándo decayó la conversación
ni el punto en que dices tú que algo cambió
Sin embargo, mientras tanto, yo me guardo la esperanza
y las cosas que en la plaza nos dijimos hoy
Ahora que te vas pediré perdón y dirás que no
y estará muy bien, ya sabes por qué
Yo me esconderé, ahora que te vas,
Ya no saldré más; dime para qué, si no te voy a ver
Sin embargo, mientras tanto, yo me guardo la esperanza
y las cosas que en la plaza nos dijimos hoy
Ahora que te vas pediré perdón y dirás que no
y estará muy bien, ya sabes por qué
Yo me esconderé, ahora que te vas
Ya no saldré más; dime para qué, si no te voy a ver
Cuando pase el tiempo conocerás a alguien más
y me olvidarás, y es que es lo normal
Aunque nos dé rabia siempre ocurre igual
y nos esforzarnos en disimular
terça-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2009
A Favor ou Contra o Natal?
Olá a todos!
Estamos mais uma vez em época de Natal e já se começam a ver e a sentir os efeitos desta quadra do ano.
O que acham desta época festiva?
Eu do Natal gosto principalmente de estar com a família no dia de Natal mas a parte que antecede o dia 25 já não acho tanta piada...a azafama de comprar, dar e receber, prendas para amigos, conhecidos, pessoas que gostamos, pessoas que não gostamos, prendas de conveniência, não gosto mesmo nada disso.
Todo o consumismo à volta do Natal acho muito mau, e a comida que se acaba por gastar nesse dia acho que deve dar para matar a fome a muitas pessoas, é mais a vontade de ver a mesa cheia, de mostrar que temos, do que qualquer outra coisa. A ceia de Natal até pode ser um motivo para juntar a família e fazer uma festa, mas mesmo assim acho que não é preciso gastar tanto porque muita da comida acaba muitas vezes por ir para o lixo.
Gosto muito da maneira como se enfeitam as ruas nesta altura do ano, fica tudo muito mais bonito, gosto das casas decoradas com velas, presepios, arranjos natalicios, árvores de Natal...
O que acham vocês de tudo isto?
Desde já peço desculpa se ofendi alguém com o que disse da ceia de Natal ou das prendas, mas é mesmo a minha opinião.
Ficam aqui então 3 musicas de Natal, 2 delas mais ou menos recentes e uma mais antiga que todos conhecem. (Uma delas é anti-Natal)
Esta como é contra o Natal resolvi por a letra:
It's that time of year
When I sit getting sick of all the cheer
Every song you hear
Was a hit or a miss
From last century
Is it just me
'Cos it never much seems like the movie
(Like the movie)
So thank God (thank God)
Christmas comes once a year
(Only comes once a year)
Just once a year
(Just once a year)
Only bells I hear
Is last call, one and all
Crying in their beer
'Cos it's gon' take all year
For the debts to be met
So raise a glass for Christmas cheer
It never snows
Only rains I don't know
Why we still dreaming of a white
Thank God it only comes once a year
(Thank God
Only comes once a year
Only comes once a year)
Thank God it only comes once a year
Mama's in the kitchen
She's stressing "Oh no"
The oven ain't workin'
Nothing's cooking "Oh no"
Brother and sister fighting, she's crying
Dusty knocks the tree down
It makes me wanna shout
Thank God that Christmas only comes once a year
Only comes once a year
Thank You Jesus,
For being born only once
I couldn't deal with it
So Christmas only comes once a year,
Thank God
Hallelujah for Christmas
Only lasts 24 hours of my life
I tell You Jesus
Just get born once
As a baby anyway
Estamos mais uma vez em época de Natal e já se começam a ver e a sentir os efeitos desta quadra do ano.
O que acham desta época festiva?
Eu do Natal gosto principalmente de estar com a família no dia de Natal mas a parte que antecede o dia 25 já não acho tanta piada...a azafama de comprar, dar e receber, prendas para amigos, conhecidos, pessoas que gostamos, pessoas que não gostamos, prendas de conveniência, não gosto mesmo nada disso.
Todo o consumismo à volta do Natal acho muito mau, e a comida que se acaba por gastar nesse dia acho que deve dar para matar a fome a muitas pessoas, é mais a vontade de ver a mesa cheia, de mostrar que temos, do que qualquer outra coisa. A ceia de Natal até pode ser um motivo para juntar a família e fazer uma festa, mas mesmo assim acho que não é preciso gastar tanto porque muita da comida acaba muitas vezes por ir para o lixo.
Gosto muito da maneira como se enfeitam as ruas nesta altura do ano, fica tudo muito mais bonito, gosto das casas decoradas com velas, presepios, arranjos natalicios, árvores de Natal...
O que acham vocês de tudo isto?
Desde já peço desculpa se ofendi alguém com o que disse da ceia de Natal ou das prendas, mas é mesmo a minha opinião.
Ficam aqui então 3 musicas de Natal, 2 delas mais ou menos recentes e uma mais antiga que todos conhecem. (Uma delas é anti-Natal)
Esta como é contra o Natal resolvi por a letra:
It's that time of year
When I sit getting sick of all the cheer
Every song you hear
Was a hit or a miss
From last century
Is it just me
'Cos it never much seems like the movie
(Like the movie)
So thank God (thank God)
Christmas comes once a year
(Only comes once a year)
Just once a year
(Just once a year)
Only bells I hear
Is last call, one and all
Crying in their beer
'Cos it's gon' take all year
For the debts to be met
So raise a glass for Christmas cheer
It never snows
Only rains I don't know
Why we still dreaming of a white
Thank God it only comes once a year
(Thank God
Only comes once a year
Only comes once a year)
Thank God it only comes once a year
Mama's in the kitchen
She's stressing "Oh no"
The oven ain't workin'
Nothing's cooking "Oh no"
Brother and sister fighting, she's crying
Dusty knocks the tree down
It makes me wanna shout
Thank God that Christmas only comes once a year
Only comes once a year
Thank You Jesus,
For being born only once
I couldn't deal with it
So Christmas only comes once a year,
Thank God
Hallelujah for Christmas
Only lasts 24 hours of my life
I tell You Jesus
Just get born once
As a baby anyway
segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009
Física o Química - Os Morangos com Açúcar espanhóis
Ni me escondo ni me atrevo,
ni me escapo ni te espero,
hago todo lo que puedo
pa' que estemos juntos.
Cada vez me importan menos
los que piensan que no es bueno
que haga todo lo que puedo
pa' que estemos juntos.
Medicina alternativa,
tu saliva en mi saliva,
es física o química.
Ni me miras ni te quiero,
ni te escucho ni te creo,
pero siento que me muero
cuando os veo juntos.
Cada vez me importas menos
o eso digo cuando debo,
o que sienta que me muero
cuando os veo juntos.
Medicina alternativa,
tu saliva en mi saliva,
es física o química.
La mitad de lo que hemos vivido
hace mas ruido,
que el ruido de un cañon.
Y un corazon de hielo herido
se ha derretido en su colchon.
La mitad de lo que hemos vivido
hace mas ruido,
que el ruido de un cañon.
Y un corazon de hielo herido
se ha derretido en su colchon.
Medicina alternativa,
tu saliva en mi saliva,
es física o química.
La mitad de lo que hemos vivido
hace mas ruido,
que el ruido de un cañon.
Y un corazon de hielo herido
se ha derretido en su colchon.
La mitad de lo que hemos vivido
hace mas ruido,
que el ruido de un cañon.
Y un corazon de hielo herido
se ha derretido en su colchon.
Gosto da música! lol
segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2009
2012 - O Fenómeno
Será que o Mundo vai acabar em 2012?
Há várias profecias que nos sugerem que o Mundo vai sofrer uma grande alteração em 2012, o Calendário Maia até a data nos dá...21 de Dezembro de 2012!
Segundo estas profecias o Mundo não vai acabar necessariamente em 2012, mas vai sofrer uma alteração tão grande que desaparecerá tal como o conhecemos.
Sabe-se que durante o solstício de Inverno em 2012 a Terra estará alinhada com o Sol e com o centro da Via Láctea e sabe-se também que no centro da nossa galáxia há um buraco negro supermassivo. Há quem diga (baseado em várias teorias de Einstein) que este alinhamento levará a uma mudança no campo magnético terrestre da Terra e que isto levará a vários fenómenos da Natureza, Sismos, Vulcões, etc...
Segundo o livro Chinês I Ching (sobre concepções do Mundo e filosofias de Vida) o Mundo vai acabar dia 21 de Dezembro de 2012.
Sibyl, um profeta de Roma e Delphi da Grécia que previram correctamente vários acontecimentos, previram também um acontecimento muito importante para esta altura.
Vários profetas medievais, tais como Merlin (mágico da corte do Rei Artur), que previram Napoleão, Hitler, o nome da 1ª colónia na América, etc...previram que neste século acontecerá um ataque nuclear terrorista nos EUA, que o aquecimento global será muito evidente e que...nada mais nada menos, haverá uma grave mudança no campo magnético terrestre que levará a um desastre global.
Um projecto baseado no que vai aparecendo na Web, chamado Webbot, que também já tinha previsto 11 de Setembro e Junho de 2001 prevê também um acontecimento Global em 2012.
São realmente várias as profecias, e dão em que pensar...o que acham de tudo isto?
Há agora um filme nas salas de cinema, que se chama 2012, deixo aqui o Trailer:
Fica aqui também um pequeno resumo da Teoria Maia (Em Português do Brasil)
Nota: Vários dados foram tirados do sítio:
Há várias profecias que nos sugerem que o Mundo vai sofrer uma grande alteração em 2012, o Calendário Maia até a data nos dá...21 de Dezembro de 2012!
Segundo estas profecias o Mundo não vai acabar necessariamente em 2012, mas vai sofrer uma alteração tão grande que desaparecerá tal como o conhecemos.
Sabe-se que durante o solstício de Inverno em 2012 a Terra estará alinhada com o Sol e com o centro da Via Láctea e sabe-se também que no centro da nossa galáxia há um buraco negro supermassivo. Há quem diga (baseado em várias teorias de Einstein) que este alinhamento levará a uma mudança no campo magnético terrestre da Terra e que isto levará a vários fenómenos da Natureza, Sismos, Vulcões, etc...
Segundo o livro Chinês I Ching (sobre concepções do Mundo e filosofias de Vida) o Mundo vai acabar dia 21 de Dezembro de 2012.
Sibyl, um profeta de Roma e Delphi da Grécia que previram correctamente vários acontecimentos, previram também um acontecimento muito importante para esta altura.
Vários profetas medievais, tais como Merlin (mágico da corte do Rei Artur), que previram Napoleão, Hitler, o nome da 1ª colónia na América, etc...previram que neste século acontecerá um ataque nuclear terrorista nos EUA, que o aquecimento global será muito evidente e que...nada mais nada menos, haverá uma grave mudança no campo magnético terrestre que levará a um desastre global.
Um projecto baseado no que vai aparecendo na Web, chamado Webbot, que também já tinha previsto 11 de Setembro e Junho de 2001 prevê também um acontecimento Global em 2012.
São realmente várias as profecias, e dão em que pensar...o que acham de tudo isto?
Há agora um filme nas salas de cinema, que se chama 2012, deixo aqui o Trailer:
Fica aqui também um pequeno resumo da Teoria Maia (Em Português do Brasil)
Nota: Vários dados foram tirados do sítio:
sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2009
sábado, 31 de outubro de 2009
Plágios do Tony Carreira
Ontem, eu e uma amiga espanhola estavamos no youtube e ela estava a mostrar-me músicas espanholas, e mostrou-me uma que a mim pareceu-me quase igual a uma do Tony Carreira. Ouvimos as duas e são mesmo parecidas. A do Tony "Sonhar Contigo" surgiu um ano depois da do Raúl - "Sueño su boca". Quando fui ao youtube procurar as duas música para pôr aqui descobri que afinal não foi só esta que ele plagiou, foram uma data delas...
Tony Carreia - Sonhar Contigo
Raúl - Sueño su boca
Outros plágios:
Tony Carreia - Sonhar Contigo
Raúl - Sueño su boca
Outros plágios:
quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2009
Ponto de Luz
Olá mais uma vez!
Bem, de nenhum post em algum tempo este blog em poucos dias parece que voltou à acção. Sei que o post vem no mesmo dia, mas não deixem de ler o da Anjali com grandes novidades sobre ela :) e queria deixar um Parabéns por ter entrado em Oxford, espero ir visitar-te a Londres ;)
O meu post é para mostrar-vos uma música que descobri hoje e que não consegui largar mais, esta música dá-me uma grande sensação de calma e paz que poucas conseguiram até agora. O nome é Ponto de Luz e é de uma grande artista Portuguesa com ascendencia Cabo Verdiana, a Sara Tavares.
Espero que gostem :)
Escutando no vento
Tua voz secreta
Que me sopra por dentro
Deixe-me ser só ser
No teu colo eu me entrego
Para que me nutras
E me envolvas
Deixa-me ser só ser
Um ponto de luz
Que me seduz
Aceso na alma
Um ponto de luz
Que me conduz
Aceso na alma
Por trás dessa nuvem
Ardendo no céu
O fogo do sol rai
Eternamente quente
Liberta-me a mente
Liberta-me a mente
Um ponto de luz
Que me seduz
Aceso na alma (2x)
Bem, de nenhum post em algum tempo este blog em poucos dias parece que voltou à acção. Sei que o post vem no mesmo dia, mas não deixem de ler o da Anjali com grandes novidades sobre ela :) e queria deixar um Parabéns por ter entrado em Oxford, espero ir visitar-te a Londres ;)
O meu post é para mostrar-vos uma música que descobri hoje e que não consegui largar mais, esta música dá-me uma grande sensação de calma e paz que poucas conseguiram até agora. O nome é Ponto de Luz e é de uma grande artista Portuguesa com ascendencia Cabo Verdiana, a Sara Tavares.
Espero que gostem :)
Escutando no vento
Tua voz secreta
Que me sopra por dentro
Deixe-me ser só ser
No teu colo eu me entrego
Para que me nutras
E me envolvas
Deixa-me ser só ser
Um ponto de luz
Que me seduz
Aceso na alma
Um ponto de luz
Que me conduz
Aceso na alma
Por trás dessa nuvem
Ardendo no céu
O fogo do sol rai
Eternamente quente
Liberta-me a mente
Liberta-me a mente
Um ponto de luz
Que me seduz
Aceso na alma (2x)
quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009
hey everyone! i'm back! (almost)
I've been a very bad blogger for a very long time now, i apologize for that.
in my defence i had a long battle with universities and well.. it wore me out! actually not only me, but my whole family.
Enfin, after months and months here i am at university.
because i was a bit late n all the problems , i had another set of problems ahead of me.
now everything seems to be alright.. just that i have so much work,with so many places to go everyday, so many things to be bought - and most horrendously, without a laptop!
Since it is a rule here that i have to check my college email once a day, at least, I've had to go to the libraries n stuff.. n I've spent an average of 1.5 hr just checking emails and replying to them everyday!
it's nuts!
there are so many misconceptions and general curiosity about the life of an Oxford student. so here i will try to give you an insight of how it is.
observation 1: You either live comfortably, managing your work food and parties, hence living in this bubble. just to give you an idea, i have not heard of any international news since the past 3 weeks ( and i used to read the newspaper everyday)
Or you join these clubs, try to make the maximum of your life as a student of such a reputed university - and you hardly sleep and are overworked with many sandwiches and crisps as meals.
Right now I prefer to be in category 2, but i don't know how long this is going to last1
i have joined too many societies and clubs, and sadly most are science based!!
I seriously need to diversify...
Have I mentioned I was matriculated this Saturday?2 guys spoke a line in Latin each and that was about it.. but the Sheldonian Theatre is quite nice.. and the uniforms are not as bad as I thought.. although i must say, they are NOT warm!
Oh Curious fact: when getting matriculated as undergraduates, guys cannot wear their cap inside the Sheldonian theatre, but girls can.
Well, my friends and I are going to some play today (friend's idea). I really hope it's good because I'm missing a since society lecture for it... so I must go.
More insights to come as soon as I can lay my hands on a pc when I'm not going mad with ridiculous amounts of email (in short it'll be at least a week)
I shall go. Take care and enjoy!
hope u enjoyed this. till next time,
PS:For some photos of my life there, check my facebook account.. i will try to put up some pics here once i get a laptop.
I've been a very bad blogger for a very long time now, i apologize for that.
in my defence i had a long battle with universities and well.. it wore me out! actually not only me, but my whole family.
Enfin, after months and months here i am at university.
because i was a bit late n all the problems , i had another set of problems ahead of me.
now everything seems to be alright.. just that i have so much work,with so many places to go everyday, so many things to be bought - and most horrendously, without a laptop!
Since it is a rule here that i have to check my college email once a day, at least, I've had to go to the libraries n stuff.. n I've spent an average of 1.5 hr just checking emails and replying to them everyday!
it's nuts!
there are so many misconceptions and general curiosity about the life of an Oxford student. so here i will try to give you an insight of how it is.
observation 1: You either live comfortably, managing your work food and parties, hence living in this bubble. just to give you an idea, i have not heard of any international news since the past 3 weeks ( and i used to read the newspaper everyday)
Or you join these clubs, try to make the maximum of your life as a student of such a reputed university - and you hardly sleep and are overworked with many sandwiches and crisps as meals.
Right now I prefer to be in category 2, but i don't know how long this is going to last1
i have joined too many societies and clubs, and sadly most are science based!!
I seriously need to diversify...
Have I mentioned I was matriculated this Saturday?2 guys spoke a line in Latin each and that was about it.. but the Sheldonian Theatre is quite nice.. and the uniforms are not as bad as I thought.. although i must say, they are NOT warm!
Oh Curious fact: when getting matriculated as undergraduates, guys cannot wear their cap inside the Sheldonian theatre, but girls can.
Well, my friends and I are going to some play today (friend's idea). I really hope it's good because I'm missing a since society lecture for it... so I must go.
More insights to come as soon as I can lay my hands on a pc when I'm not going mad with ridiculous amounts of email (in short it'll be at least a week)
I shall go. Take care and enjoy!
hope u enjoyed this. till next time,
PS:For some photos of my life there, check my facebook account.. i will try to put up some pics here once i get a laptop.
terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009
Free Me

Hoje sai nos Estados Unidos da América o novo cd da Joss Stone que se chama "Colour Me Free".
Este é para mim um dos cd's mais aguardados do ano (sou fã) principalmente porque a Joss teve de "lutar" com a editora (EMI) para poder lançar o album que ja deveria ter saido em finais de 2008.
O primeiro single do álbum é a musica Free Me, a qual ponho aqui para ouvirem (espero que gostem), e é uma resposta à editora.
Eu vejo a música também na perspectiva de seguirmos os nossos sonhos e nunca deixarmos que nada nem ninguém interfira no nosso caminho :)
Aqui têm o video e a letra:
Ain’t I got you on my back foot
And you know I got to feeling good
Cause there’s something deep inside of me
I got to be
And if you find it hard to follow me
If I loose you in my creative stream
Than you only got to raise your eyes
And see me fly
Don’t tell me that I won’t
I will
Don’t tell me that I’m not
I am
Don’t tell me that my master plan
Ain't coming through
Don’t tell me that I won’t
I will
Don’t tell me how to think
I fell
Don’t tell me cause I know what’s real
What I can do
Something that you don’t see every day
A little girl who has found her way
In world that tries to take away
All of your dreams
I think there’s one thing I will say to you
That there is nothing that you can’t do
Cause it’s all about your attitude
Don’t let them get to you
Don’t tell me that I won’t
I will
Don’t tell me that I’m not
I am
Don’t tell me that my master plan
Ain't coming through
Don’t tell me that I won’t
I will
Don’t tell me how to think
I fell
Don’t tell me cause I know what’s real
What I can do
And when we’re singing it out our voice
We can make that choice to be free (2x)
Music, hey, I love it
Yeah, yes, I do
Music, now, now, now, what
I love it, yes, I do
Don’t tell me that I won’t
I will
Don’t tell me that I’m not
I am
Don’t tell me that my master plan
Ain't coming through
Don’t tell me that I won’t
I will
Don’t tell me how to think
I fell
Don’t tell me cause I know what’s real
What I can do
Free me (4x)
Nota: A letra da música pode não estar totalmente correcta mas foi a que achei mais de acordo com o que ouço na musica.
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009
domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009
Charlie Bit My Finger!
Este blogue já está parado há algum tempo...
Quem me conhece sabe que eu adoro crianças e quando vi o vídeo destes na internet achei-os muito muito giros :) e então decidi por aqui no blogue pa ver o que vocês acham.
Adorei o facto do irmão mais velho ainda se rir com a situação, muito querido mesmo...
Este blogue já está parado há algum tempo...
Quem me conhece sabe que eu adoro crianças e quando vi o vídeo destes na internet achei-os muito muito giros :) e então decidi por aqui no blogue pa ver o que vocês acham.
Adorei o facto do irmão mais velho ainda se rir com a situação, muito querido mesmo...
sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009
Selfish Love
The way you are
The way you do
The way you breathe
The way you play
The way you feel
The way you touch
The way you entry to my mind (my mind)
I love you (I love you)
The way you are
The way you do
The way you breathe
The way you play
The way you feel
The way you touch
The way you entry to my mind
You… I love you (I love you)… you (2x)
The way you smile
The way you talk
The way you kiss
The way you love
The way you look
The way you walk
The way you entry to my mind
You… I want you (I want you)
You and me
The way you smile
The way you talk
The way you kiss
The way you love
The way you look
The way you walk
The way you entry to my mind
You… I want you (I want you)
No matter what you do
And no matter where you go
I know
I love you (I love you - 2x)
You and me
Oh, just you and me
And I don't want nobody else
I don't want nobody else, no
Oh, no
The way you are
The way you do
The way you breathe
The way you play
The way you feel
The way you touch
The way you entry to my mind (my mind)
I love you (I love you)
The way you smile
The way you talk
The way you kiss
The way you love
The way you look
The way you walk
The way you entry to my mind
All I want
I love you (4x)
I love you…
segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009
Você é o que come?
Como a análise do que comemos nos pode definir?
Este foi o meu resultado: ;)
Sabe como curtir a vida, mas sem cometer exageros. É muito preocupado e se priva das coisas por excesso de cuidado. Tudo na sua vida tem que ser belo, doce e gostoso.
É uma pessoa metódica que leva muito em consideração a aparência. Sabe que é preciso alguns momentos de solidão para recarregar as energias. Gosta de manter o controle da situação e saber exatamente onde está pisando.É simples, realista e direto. Nada de rodeios ou frescuras.
Acredita que a felicidade está nas coisas simples da vida. Não consegue ficar longe da bagunça das cidades grandes. Sabe digerir e resolver sozinho seus problemas.
Este foi o meu resultado: ;)
Sabe como curtir a vida, mas sem cometer exageros. É muito preocupado e se priva das coisas por excesso de cuidado. Tudo na sua vida tem que ser belo, doce e gostoso.
É uma pessoa metódica que leva muito em consideração a aparência. Sabe que é preciso alguns momentos de solidão para recarregar as energias. Gosta de manter o controle da situação e saber exatamente onde está pisando.É simples, realista e direto. Nada de rodeios ou frescuras.
Acredita que a felicidade está nas coisas simples da vida. Não consegue ficar longe da bagunça das cidades grandes. Sabe digerir e resolver sozinho seus problemas.
sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009
sábado, 11 de julho de 2009
A Idade do Gelo 3
A minha sugestão para quem se quer rir durante 90 minutos ;) O filme é muito muito giro!!! E eu não vi os anteriores. Divirtam-se!
sábado, 4 de julho de 2009
Lei polémica

Já ouviram com certeza falar na lei polémica que o Presidente da França, Nicolas Sarkozy, quer aprovar. Este disse que as burkas não são bem-vindas em França e que as mesmas fazem das mulheres prisioneiras.
Em primeiro lugar custa-me a acreditar que mulheres que vivem e cresceram em França decidam usar burkas de livre e espontânea vontade, mas assumindo que sim, vi umas mulheres francesas a serem entrevistadas que afirmavam com muita firmeza e confiança que a burka era uma maneira de se expressarem, que as pessoas se expressam de muitas formas e elas fazem-no através da religião e que a burka é a sua liberdade e que as protege dos olhares dos rapazes.
Por outro lado, também mostraram um representante muçulmano da Argélia e residente em França que dizia que a burka não faz parte da religião muçulmana.
De acordo com o Corão, as mulheres devem cobrir o cabelo e serem modestas, não diz que se têm de cobrir da cabeça aos pés, com uma frechinha para poderem ver, anulando a sua identidade numa indumentária que não permite a alguém de fora distingui-las umas das outras, que até podiam ser homens que não se dava conta.
Há tempos também em França ouve a polémica dos hijabs, isso já me parece um certo ataque no que respeita a religião muçulmana, uma vez que faz parte das tradições, para as mulheres que levam "o cobrir dos cabelos" à letra. Agora as burkas, para quem as usa de forma tão firme e confiante, já me parece um bocadinho fanatismo.
Resumindo, eu acho que usar uma burka, principalmente num país ocidental, como uma escolha livre, uma perfeita estupidez, e não acredito que o islamismo seja isso. Quanto a avançar com uma lei que o proíba já não sei. O tal representante dizia que podia ser uma forma de acabar com esse costume desprezível, e nesse caso era bem-vinda. Há tradições e tradições, e algumas não devem ser perpetuadas. Está o Sarkozy a interferir com a Liberdade destas mulheres, ou a libertá-las apesar de elas não o encararem como tal?
O que é que vocês acham?
More Riddles
A Anjali mandou-me um mail com isto porque não conseguia postar, então este é um post dela e não meu.
1-A hunter is hunting for bears. He spots one at the edge of a cliff. The cliff is w meters high. He is x meters away from the bear. He shoots at the bear. The bullet travels at y meters/second. After the bullet hits the bear, the bear falls off the cliff after z seconds.
What colour is the bear?
Keep in mind that the values for distance, velocity and time are extremely accurate.'
2-A teacher of mathematics used an unconventional method to measure time for a test lasting 15 minutes. He used just a sand-glass, which spills in 7 minutes and a second sand-glass, which spills in 11 minutes. During the whole time he turned the sand-glasses only 3 times. Explain how the teacher measured 15 minutes
3-Two trains 200 km from each other are moving at the speed of 50 km/hour towards each other. At the moment the trains are 200 km from each other a fly takes off from one train, flying straight (upon the rails) to the other train at the speed of 75 km/hour (relative to ground), bounces away from it and flies back to the first train. This is repeated till the trains crash into each other and the fly is smashed.
What distance is the fly able to fly until its death?
4-The circumference of the globe is approximately 40,000 km. If we made a circle of wire around the globe, that is only 10 metres longer than the circumference of earth, could a flea, a rabbit or even a man creep under it?
5- You awake inside a small transparent capsule sitting on the surface of Venus. From a small speaker you hear a voice that says, "We will leave you here either for a day or a year. If you choose to stay a day, we will give you $1 million. If you choose to stay a year, we will give you $2 million. Either way, you will have sufficient food and water. We will make sure the temperature is a constant 21 degrees Celsius. We will also supply cable TV."
What is your choice? (Don't let money decide your answer).
6- An advertisement had the following words:
"Attention sci-fi addicts and kids of all ages. Now you too can have your very own Photon Emitter Module. Yes, it's true! For only $39.99, you can impress your friends when you show off your Photon Emitter. It's safer than a laser and easy to install in any home. The amazing Photon Emitter Module converts electrons into photons and safely releases them for your viewing pleasure. To get yours, just send $39.99 to ..."
What are they really selling?
7- Once there was a bus conductor, who was very rude to his passengers.
One day a young girl, of around 18 years, tried to board the bus, but he didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately the beautiful young girl came under the bus and died on the spot.
Angry passengers took the conductor to the police station, who in turn took him to the court.
The judge was not at all impressed with him and gave him capital punishment.
He was taken to the electrocution chamber. There was a single chair in the centre of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. The conductor was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him.
But to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.
After a few months, this time, a middle aged woman tried to board the bus but the conductor didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately, this time also, the middle aged woman came under the bus and died on the spot.
Again angry passengers took him to the police station, who in turn took him to the court. The judge took one look at the conductor and gave him capital punishment.
The conductor was taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was single chair in the centre of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time also to everyone's amazement, he survived.
The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.
A couple of months later, an elderly gentleman tried to board the bus. This time the conductor, remembering his earlier experiences, stopped the bus.
Unfortunately the elderly gentleman slipped and died due to his injuries.
The conductor was taken to the police station and then to the court, to the same judge. Though he hadn't done anything wrong, but considering his past record the judge decided to set an example and gave him capital punishment.
The conductor was again taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the centre of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time he died instantly!
The question is why didn't he die on the first two occasions, but died instantly the third time?
8- Cindy, a High School cheerleader, told her fellow cheerleaders that she was worried about changing for practice in their locker room.
It seems that she overheard the science teacher, Dr. Smith, telling the Principal that he had just invented an invisibility potion which turns whoever drinks a sip of the potion completely invisible for 24 hours.
The bad news was that someone had stolen a bottle of it from Dr. Smith's lab. Cindy was worried that the thief was a guy and that he might already be invisible, hiding in their locker room and waiting to watch them undress.
Jane, the Head Cheerleader and President of the Science Club, believed Cindy since she knew Dr. Smith was working on the potion, but told her they had nothing to worry about.
Since Jane did not steal the potion or know who had stolen the potion, how could she be so sure their privacy would not be compromised?
HINT: Jane knows a lot about human anatomy and physics
Have Fun!
1-A hunter is hunting for bears. He spots one at the edge of a cliff. The cliff is w meters high. He is x meters away from the bear. He shoots at the bear. The bullet travels at y meters/second. After the bullet hits the bear, the bear falls off the cliff after z seconds.
What colour is the bear?
Keep in mind that the values for distance, velocity and time are extremely accurate.'
2-A teacher of mathematics used an unconventional method to measure time for a test lasting 15 minutes. He used just a sand-glass, which spills in 7 minutes and a second sand-glass, which spills in 11 minutes. During the whole time he turned the sand-glasses only 3 times. Explain how the teacher measured 15 minutes
3-Two trains 200 km from each other are moving at the speed of 50 km/hour towards each other. At the moment the trains are 200 km from each other a fly takes off from one train, flying straight (upon the rails) to the other train at the speed of 75 km/hour (relative to ground), bounces away from it and flies back to the first train. This is repeated till the trains crash into each other and the fly is smashed.
What distance is the fly able to fly until its death?
4-The circumference of the globe is approximately 40,000 km. If we made a circle of wire around the globe, that is only 10 metres longer than the circumference of earth, could a flea, a rabbit or even a man creep under it?
5- You awake inside a small transparent capsule sitting on the surface of Venus. From a small speaker you hear a voice that says, "We will leave you here either for a day or a year. If you choose to stay a day, we will give you $1 million. If you choose to stay a year, we will give you $2 million. Either way, you will have sufficient food and water. We will make sure the temperature is a constant 21 degrees Celsius. We will also supply cable TV."
What is your choice? (Don't let money decide your answer).
6- An advertisement had the following words:
"Attention sci-fi addicts and kids of all ages. Now you too can have your very own Photon Emitter Module. Yes, it's true! For only $39.99, you can impress your friends when you show off your Photon Emitter. It's safer than a laser and easy to install in any home. The amazing Photon Emitter Module converts electrons into photons and safely releases them for your viewing pleasure. To get yours, just send $39.99 to ..."
What are they really selling?
7- Once there was a bus conductor, who was very rude to his passengers.
One day a young girl, of around 18 years, tried to board the bus, but he didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately the beautiful young girl came under the bus and died on the spot.
Angry passengers took the conductor to the police station, who in turn took him to the court.
The judge was not at all impressed with him and gave him capital punishment.
He was taken to the electrocution chamber. There was a single chair in the centre of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. The conductor was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him.
But to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.
After a few months, this time, a middle aged woman tried to board the bus but the conductor didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately, this time also, the middle aged woman came under the bus and died on the spot.
Again angry passengers took him to the police station, who in turn took him to the court. The judge took one look at the conductor and gave him capital punishment.
The conductor was taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was single chair in the centre of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time also to everyone's amazement, he survived.
The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.
A couple of months later, an elderly gentleman tried to board the bus. This time the conductor, remembering his earlier experiences, stopped the bus.
Unfortunately the elderly gentleman slipped and died due to his injuries.
The conductor was taken to the police station and then to the court, to the same judge. Though he hadn't done anything wrong, but considering his past record the judge decided to set an example and gave him capital punishment.
The conductor was again taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the centre of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time he died instantly!
The question is why didn't he die on the first two occasions, but died instantly the third time?
8- Cindy, a High School cheerleader, told her fellow cheerleaders that she was worried about changing for practice in their locker room.
It seems that she overheard the science teacher, Dr. Smith, telling the Principal that he had just invented an invisibility potion which turns whoever drinks a sip of the potion completely invisible for 24 hours.
The bad news was that someone had stolen a bottle of it from Dr. Smith's lab. Cindy was worried that the thief was a guy and that he might already be invisible, hiding in their locker room and waiting to watch them undress.
Jane, the Head Cheerleader and President of the Science Club, believed Cindy since she knew Dr. Smith was working on the potion, but told her they had nothing to worry about.
Since Jane did not steal the potion or know who had stolen the potion, how could she be so sure their privacy would not be compromised?
HINT: Jane knows a lot about human anatomy and physics
Have Fun!
sexta-feira, 3 de julho de 2009
"O Monstrengo"
Recentemente estive a ver o debate sobre o Estado da Nação na Assembleia da Republica. Não, não vou falar sobre o caso do ministro Manuel Pinho mas queria apenas sim explicar porque fiz este post.
O ministro das Finanças Teixeira dos Santos no seu discurso final resolveu enunciar o livro "Mensagem" de Fernando Pessoa e mais concretamente "O Monstrengo". Enunciou o poema referindo-se aos seus adversarios como o Monstrengo e ao seu Governo como o Homem do Leme.
Este está longe de ser um post sobre política e concordando ou não com esta comparação gostei de como ele falou nos nossos adversarios como o Monstrengo que nos atormenta e que devemos ser sempre o Homem do Leme e lutar pelas nossas conquistas, pelos nossos objectivos independentemente do que temos a lutar contra nós.
Fica aqui então o poema do Fernando Pessoa:
O mostrengo que está no fim do mar
Na noite de breu ergueu-se a voar;
A roda da nau voou três vezes,
Voou três vezes a chiar,
E disse: «Quem é que ousou entrar
Nas minhas cavernas que não desvendo,
Meus tectos negros do fim do mundo?»
E o homem do leme disse, tremendo:
«El-Rei D. João Segundo!»
«De quem são as velas onde me roço?
De quem as quilhas que vejo e ouço?»
Disse o mostrengo, e rodou três vezes,
Três vezes rodou imundo e grosso.
«Quem vem poder o que só eu posso,
Que moro onde nunca ninguém me visse
E escorro os medos do mar sem fundo?»
E o homem do leme tremeu, e disse:
«El-Rei D. João Segundo!»
Três vezes do leme as mãos ergueu,
Três vezes ao leme as reprendeu,
E disse no fim de tremer três vezes:
«Aqui ao leme sou mais do que eu:
Sou um povo que quer o mar que é teu;
E mais que o mostrengo, que me a alma teme
E roda nas trevas do fim do mundo,
Manda a vontade, que me ata ao leme,
De El-Rei D. João Segundo!»
by Fernando Pessoa in Mensagem
O ministro das Finanças Teixeira dos Santos no seu discurso final resolveu enunciar o livro "Mensagem" de Fernando Pessoa e mais concretamente "O Monstrengo". Enunciou o poema referindo-se aos seus adversarios como o Monstrengo e ao seu Governo como o Homem do Leme.
Este está longe de ser um post sobre política e concordando ou não com esta comparação gostei de como ele falou nos nossos adversarios como o Monstrengo que nos atormenta e que devemos ser sempre o Homem do Leme e lutar pelas nossas conquistas, pelos nossos objectivos independentemente do que temos a lutar contra nós.
Fica aqui então o poema do Fernando Pessoa:
O mostrengo que está no fim do mar
Na noite de breu ergueu-se a voar;
A roda da nau voou três vezes,
Voou três vezes a chiar,
E disse: «Quem é que ousou entrar
Nas minhas cavernas que não desvendo,
Meus tectos negros do fim do mundo?»
E o homem do leme disse, tremendo:
«El-Rei D. João Segundo!»
«De quem são as velas onde me roço?
De quem as quilhas que vejo e ouço?»
Disse o mostrengo, e rodou três vezes,
Três vezes rodou imundo e grosso.
«Quem vem poder o que só eu posso,
Que moro onde nunca ninguém me visse
E escorro os medos do mar sem fundo?»
E o homem do leme tremeu, e disse:
«El-Rei D. João Segundo!»
Três vezes do leme as mãos ergueu,
Três vezes ao leme as reprendeu,
E disse no fim de tremer três vezes:
«Aqui ao leme sou mais do que eu:
Sou um povo que quer o mar que é teu;
E mais que o mostrengo, que me a alma teme
E roda nas trevas do fim do mundo,
Manda a vontade, que me ata ao leme,
De El-Rei D. João Segundo!»
by Fernando Pessoa in Mensagem
quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009
Hoje em dia toda a gente usa máquinas de calcular para fazer contas, eu própria também o faço a não ser quando não posso e tenho de recorrer ao papel e multiplicar os numeros um a um.
Mas...há uma maneira de multiplicar que nunca me tinham ensinado e é essa maneira que está aqui no video:
Então era assim que os Maias faziam as multiplicações...
Gostava que me tivessem ensinado mais cedo!
Mas...há uma maneira de multiplicar que nunca me tinham ensinado e é essa maneira que está aqui no video:
Então era assim que os Maias faziam as multiplicações...
Gostava que me tivessem ensinado mais cedo!
segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2009
HB and Keep On Walking
Os fãs da Ana Free estão familiarizados com este nome: "Keep On Walking". Este é o nome da nova música da Ana Free (o single depois da "In My Place") e o 1º a ter direito a videoclip.
É o videoclip que quero partilhar com vocês, aqui está:
Eu gostei bastante do video, mas eu sou um bocado suspeita visto que gosto de quase tudo o que ela faz no mundo da música ;)
E sendo hoje dia 29 de Junho, é também o dia de anos da cantora e queria já agora deixar-lhe aqui os meus PARABÉNS. Este foi definitivamente um grande ano para a Ana Free e espero que continue caminhando para o sucesso.
Os fãs da Ana Free estão familiarizados com este nome: "Keep On Walking". Este é o nome da nova música da Ana Free (o single depois da "In My Place") e o 1º a ter direito a videoclip.
É o videoclip que quero partilhar com vocês, aqui está:
Eu gostei bastante do video, mas eu sou um bocado suspeita visto que gosto de quase tudo o que ela faz no mundo da música ;)
E sendo hoje dia 29 de Junho, é também o dia de anos da cantora e queria já agora deixar-lhe aqui os meus PARABÉNS. Este foi definitivamente um grande ano para a Ana Free e espero que continue caminhando para o sucesso.
quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2009
Uma viagem, vários destinos - capítulo VI
O Francisco afastou-se ligeiramente do corpo da Alice, em busca de ar depois de um beijo intenso, apaixonado e demorado.
Abriu os olhos e viu que ela lhe sorria. Ele sorriu também e puxou-a de novo para junto de si, ficando os seus rostos a milímetros de distância. A Alice aproximou-se mais e deu-lhe um beijo calmo e suave.
Ao saírem finalmente da casa de banho de mão dadas ouviram alguém chamá-los. Voltaram-se e viram os seus amigos a meterem-se com eles. Riram-se e a Alice segurou o rosto do Kiko com a mão livre e deu-lhe um beijo terno numa das bochechas.
"-Vous n'avez pas d'honte, n'est ce pas?"
Olharam na direcção da voz. Uma assistente de bordo fitava-os com um olhar de desprezo. Entreolharam-se espantados.
"-Vous trouvez que nous sommes dans quelque motel? Les toilets ne sont pas des chambres!" - continuou zangada.
A Alice corou até à ponta dos cabelos. Subitamente todos os passageiros mais próximos tinham os olhares fixos neles. Inesperadamente ouviu o Kiko a tentar reprimir uma gargalhada. Deu-lhe um esticão no braço e olhou para ele incrédula.
"-Kiko!" - protestou em voz baixa.
"-Ah! Le monsieur pense que c'est raison pour rigoler, quoi?!"
"-Madame, excusez, mais nous n'avons fait rien de que vous avez imaginé.." - começou a Alice.
"-J'ai vu très bien qu'est ce qui c'est passé!"
O Kiko não se conseguiu controlar mais e desmanchou-se a rir às gargalhadas.
"-Kiko!" - exclamou bem alto a Alice dando-lhe uma palmada no braço.
A uns metros de distância soavam também as gargalhadas da Teresa, do Zack e da Carla.
"-Vocês são inacreditáveis!" - respondeu-lhes chateada.
"Pardonne-moi madame! Nous sommes desolés. C'été la derniére fois! - disse o Francisco. Agarrou na mão da Alice e afastaram-se rapidamente para os seus lugares antes que a hospedeira pudesse responder.
Mais tarde à saída do avião a assistente de bordo lançou-lhes um olhar fatal, enquanto balbuciava de lábios quase cerrados, os agradecimentos por terem escolhido aquela companhia de voo.
Deixaram as malas na pousada onde conseguiram arranjar vaga e partiram à descoberta da cidade.
Abriu os olhos e viu que ela lhe sorria. Ele sorriu também e puxou-a de novo para junto de si, ficando os seus rostos a milímetros de distância. A Alice aproximou-se mais e deu-lhe um beijo calmo e suave.
Ao saírem finalmente da casa de banho de mão dadas ouviram alguém chamá-los. Voltaram-se e viram os seus amigos a meterem-se com eles. Riram-se e a Alice segurou o rosto do Kiko com a mão livre e deu-lhe um beijo terno numa das bochechas.
"-Vous n'avez pas d'honte, n'est ce pas?"
Olharam na direcção da voz. Uma assistente de bordo fitava-os com um olhar de desprezo. Entreolharam-se espantados.
"-Vous trouvez que nous sommes dans quelque motel? Les toilets ne sont pas des chambres!" - continuou zangada.
A Alice corou até à ponta dos cabelos. Subitamente todos os passageiros mais próximos tinham os olhares fixos neles. Inesperadamente ouviu o Kiko a tentar reprimir uma gargalhada. Deu-lhe um esticão no braço e olhou para ele incrédula.
"-Kiko!" - protestou em voz baixa.
"-Ah! Le monsieur pense que c'est raison pour rigoler, quoi?!"
"-Madame, excusez, mais nous n'avons fait rien de que vous avez imaginé.." - começou a Alice.
"-J'ai vu très bien qu'est ce qui c'est passé!"
O Kiko não se conseguiu controlar mais e desmanchou-se a rir às gargalhadas.
"-Kiko!" - exclamou bem alto a Alice dando-lhe uma palmada no braço.
A uns metros de distância soavam também as gargalhadas da Teresa, do Zack e da Carla.
"-Vocês são inacreditáveis!" - respondeu-lhes chateada.
"Pardonne-moi madame! Nous sommes desolés. C'été la derniére fois! - disse o Francisco. Agarrou na mão da Alice e afastaram-se rapidamente para os seus lugares antes que a hospedeira pudesse responder.
Mais tarde à saída do avião a assistente de bordo lançou-lhes um olhar fatal, enquanto balbuciava de lábios quase cerrados, os agradecimentos por terem escolhido aquela companhia de voo.
Deixaram as malas na pousada onde conseguiram arranjar vaga e partiram à descoberta da cidade.
domingo, 14 de junho de 2009
Exposição do Titanic



A Exposição continua na Estação do Rossio e ainda não tem data prevista para acabar, portanto ainda vão a tempo de ver.
À entrada o bilhete que vos dão é um bilhete semelhante aos originais, tendo no reverso os dados do passageiro, quem era, que idade tinha, em que classe viajava e com quem, e também o motivo da viagem. No final da exposição têm uma listagem dos passageiros e podem ver se o vosso sobreviveu ao acidente. A mim calhou-me a Molly, a nova-rica bem-disposta que aparecia no filme, portanto eu soube logo que a minha tinha sobrevivido. Mas pode-vos calhar qualquer pessoa que ia no barco, por acaso a minha era conhecida.
Pode-se tocar no casco do navio, pode-se cheirar umas amostras de perfume que foram encontradas numa mala e ainda se sente a fragância; irão encontrar uma garrafa de champanhe por abrir entre muitas outras coisas interessantes. Vai valer a pena!
Mais informações em: http://www.titaniclisboa.com/
terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2009
domingo, 31 de maio de 2009
Grita Michelle de Brito!
Desta vez decidi fazer um post sobre ténis, um desporto que tenho acompanhado muito nos últimos tempos, e mais particularmente sobre a jovem portuguesa Michelle de Brito.
Introduzindo a jogadora, Michelle (Micaela) Larcher de Brito nasceu a 29 de Janeiro de 1993 em Lisboa. É filha de pai português (nascido em Angola) e mãe sul africana.
Com apenas 9 anos foi para a Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy na Florida para ser treinada por um dos maiores treinadores até final de 2007, quando começou a ser treinada pelo seu pai, António.
Com apenas 16 anos Michelle já é a Melhor Jogadora Portuguesa de todos os tempos, a 1ª portuguesa a integrar o quadro principal de um Grand Slam e é considerada uma grande promessa do ténis Mundial.
Para quem quiser ver a Michelle a jogar:
Há dois dias atrás Michelle jogou com Aravane Rezai (uma espécie de francesa) no torneio Roland Garros e perdeu pelos parciais 7-6 6-2. Este jogou ficou marcado pelos gritos da jovem jogadora portuguesa.
Aravane Rezai quando estava a perder resolveu queixar-se dos gritos da Michelle à supervisora de jogo e ao árbitro do encontro. Michelle foi respondendo que "Se fosse a Sharapova também lhe pedia para se calar?" ou "Ela só se queixa quando esta a perder".
O que é facto é que as queixas da **** (qualquer palavra que queiram serve lol) desconcentraram a Michelle que começou a perder a partir dessa altura. De referir que a francesa já tinha jogado com a Michelle e na altura não se queixou porque ganhou facilmente, agora veio-se queixar porque? só pode ser porque tava a perder não é? em vez de se queixar devia era ter-se esforçado mais. E não só se queixou como começou a imitar os gritos da Michelle e a gozar sempre que ela fazia uma dupla-falta (algo que a Michelle tem de ver se começa a melhorar, para mim é o único ponto fraco dela). Era mesmo insuportavel a Rezai.
E os franceses ainda a assobiaram no final do jogo, hão-de a aplaudir po ano!
É um facto que os gritos dela são muito alto e muito longos, mas as jogadoras não se incomodam com isso, ela ja jogou muitos jogos assim e so agora é que esta se resolveu queixar...
Fica aqui então um video onde acho que a Michelle grita MESMO muito (de notar-se que estava no final do jogo e ela já estav muito cansada por isso grita mais):
Curiosidades: Numa recente entrevista Michelle referiu que o seu sonho é dar um jogo de exibição num estádio de futebol. Perguntaram onde e disse no Estádio do Sport Lisboa e Benfica.
Os seus jogadores preferidos são Monica Seles, Martina Hingis e Rafael Nadal.
É pena que as pessoas agora só falem dela pelos gritos e não pelo IMENSO talento que tem...
Por isso Michelle...GRITA CADA VEZ MAIS ALTO!!!!
Desta vez decidi fazer um post sobre ténis, um desporto que tenho acompanhado muito nos últimos tempos, e mais particularmente sobre a jovem portuguesa Michelle de Brito.
Introduzindo a jogadora, Michelle (Micaela) Larcher de Brito nasceu a 29 de Janeiro de 1993 em Lisboa. É filha de pai português (nascido em Angola) e mãe sul africana.
Com apenas 9 anos foi para a Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy na Florida para ser treinada por um dos maiores treinadores até final de 2007, quando começou a ser treinada pelo seu pai, António.
Com apenas 16 anos Michelle já é a Melhor Jogadora Portuguesa de todos os tempos, a 1ª portuguesa a integrar o quadro principal de um Grand Slam e é considerada uma grande promessa do ténis Mundial.
Para quem quiser ver a Michelle a jogar:
Há dois dias atrás Michelle jogou com Aravane Rezai (uma espécie de francesa) no torneio Roland Garros e perdeu pelos parciais 7-6 6-2. Este jogou ficou marcado pelos gritos da jovem jogadora portuguesa.
Aravane Rezai quando estava a perder resolveu queixar-se dos gritos da Michelle à supervisora de jogo e ao árbitro do encontro. Michelle foi respondendo que "Se fosse a Sharapova também lhe pedia para se calar?" ou "Ela só se queixa quando esta a perder".
O que é facto é que as queixas da **** (qualquer palavra que queiram serve lol) desconcentraram a Michelle que começou a perder a partir dessa altura. De referir que a francesa já tinha jogado com a Michelle e na altura não se queixou porque ganhou facilmente, agora veio-se queixar porque? só pode ser porque tava a perder não é? em vez de se queixar devia era ter-se esforçado mais. E não só se queixou como começou a imitar os gritos da Michelle e a gozar sempre que ela fazia uma dupla-falta (algo que a Michelle tem de ver se começa a melhorar, para mim é o único ponto fraco dela). Era mesmo insuportavel a Rezai.
E os franceses ainda a assobiaram no final do jogo, hão-de a aplaudir po ano!
É um facto que os gritos dela são muito alto e muito longos, mas as jogadoras não se incomodam com isso, ela ja jogou muitos jogos assim e so agora é que esta se resolveu queixar...
Fica aqui então um video onde acho que a Michelle grita MESMO muito (de notar-se que estava no final do jogo e ela já estav muito cansada por isso grita mais):
Curiosidades: Numa recente entrevista Michelle referiu que o seu sonho é dar um jogo de exibição num estádio de futebol. Perguntaram onde e disse no Estádio do Sport Lisboa e Benfica.
Os seus jogadores preferidos são Monica Seles, Martina Hingis e Rafael Nadal.
É pena que as pessoas agora só falem dela pelos gritos e não pelo IMENSO talento que tem...
Por isso Michelle...GRITA CADA VEZ MAIS ALTO!!!!
terça-feira, 19 de maio de 2009
Festival Eurovisão - Final
No passado sábado, dia 16 de Maio foi a final do festival eurovisão da canção 2009 em Moscovo.
Eu gostei bastante da prestação portuguesa, acho que estiveram mesmo muito bem. Para além da nossa música gosto bastante da música da Islândia (na qual votei).
Aqui está então a actuação portuguesa e a actuação da Noruega (vencedores desta edição do festival) :
(Comentários do Reino Unido)
Quais eram as vossas músicas preferidas? E...gostaram do festival?
Eu gostei bastante da prestação portuguesa, acho que estiveram mesmo muito bem. Para além da nossa música gosto bastante da música da Islândia (na qual votei).
Aqui está então a actuação portuguesa e a actuação da Noruega (vencedores desta edição do festival) :
(Comentários do Reino Unido)
Quais eram as vossas músicas preferidas? E...gostaram do festival?
domingo, 3 de maio de 2009
Uma viagem, vários destinos - capítulo V
-"Kiko, tens noção das horas? Estamos atrasadíssimos!"
-"Eu sei, eu sei! Desculpa!" - respondeu enquanto acabava de meter a mala da Alice na bagageira do táxi e se sentavam os dois no seu interior.
Fizeram o check-in e dirigiram-se apressadamente para a sala de embarque. Quando ainda estavam na zona "Free-shop" ouviram uma voz feminina:
-"Última chamada, voo 746 de Lisboa para Luxemburgo, porta 10!" - que voltou a repetir o anúncio.
Olharam um para o outro de olhos arregalados. O Kiko agarrou na mão da amiga e correram a toda a velocidade em direcção à porta de embarque.
A funcionária disse para se apressarem que o autocarro que iria levar os últimos passageiros estava prestes a sair.
Desceram as escadas apressadamente, o autocarro já tinha fechado as portas e estava arrancar.
Quando os avistou, o motorista travou e abriu as portas de trás. O Francisco entrou primeiro e ainda de mãos dadas com a amiga, puxou a Alice para junto de si. Assim que a Alice entrou, o motorista fechou a porta e arrancou. O impulso projetou a Alice, que ainda não tivera tempo para se agarrar, contra o Kiko, ficando os seus rostos a centímetros de distância, situação que parecia vir-se a repetir com frequência nos últimos meses, pensou Francisco.
A respiração de ambos estava acelerada. A Alice não sabia dizer se era exclusivamente da corrida ou da proximidade. Com a adrenalina a percorrer o seu corpo, o impulso de o beijar era forte, mas o medo e o nervosismo de não ser correspondida apoderaram-se de si contra a sua vontade, que involuntariamente começou a rir, precisamente no momento em que o Kiko tinha ganho coragem para lhe mostrar o que verdadeiramente sentia por ela, para além da amizade que os unia.
O Francisco começou a rir-se também. A mão que segurava a cintura de Alice aliviou a pressão e esta, que tinha ambas as mãos no peito do amigo, afastou-se um pouco e segurou o poste do autocarro. O ambiente ficou mais leve.
Entraram no avião e quando se dirigiam para os seus lugares avistaram os amigos, que lhes acenaram e apontaram para o relógio abanando a cabeça. A Alice apontou para o Kiko que se riu e encolheu os ombros.
Sentados junto a uma das janelas do lado direito do avião, a conversa entre os dois amigos era escassa e a tensão e energia que os envolvia tinha voltado aumentar.
Aquele impasse entre os dois era bastante incomodativo, ambos inibidos de dar o primeiro passo, inseguros apesar do instinto lhes dizer o contrário. Para se libertar momentaneamente daquela tensão, a Alice levantou-se dizendo que ia à casa-de-banho.
O Francisco ficou a vê-la, enquanto ela esperava que alguma ficasse livre.
Encostada à parede e embrenhada nos seus pensamentos sentiu umas mão envolverem a sua cintura e virou-se, tendo apenas tempo de vislumbrar a cara do Francisco, antes de sentir a mão deste apoiar-lhe o rosto, fechar os olhos e sentir a pressão dos seus lábios, contra os seus.
Envolvidos num beijo profundo, há muito desejado e reprimido, todas as suas inseguranças e inibições se perderam. Naquele momento, a 9000 metros de altitude, apenas os dois existiam. Sentiram a porta da casa-de-banho abrir-se e a pessoa que lá estava sair.
Conduzida por Kiko, desapareceram os dois para o seu interior, ignorando o mundo exterior.
Boquiaberta, a Carla dirigiu-se ao lugar da Teresa e do Zack.
-"Não vão acreditar no que é que eu acabei de ver ao sair da casa-de-banho!" - disse entusiasmada.
-"Eu sei, eu sei! Desculpa!" - respondeu enquanto acabava de meter a mala da Alice na bagageira do táxi e se sentavam os dois no seu interior.
Fizeram o check-in e dirigiram-se apressadamente para a sala de embarque. Quando ainda estavam na zona "Free-shop" ouviram uma voz feminina:
-"Última chamada, voo 746 de Lisboa para Luxemburgo, porta 10!" - que voltou a repetir o anúncio.
Olharam um para o outro de olhos arregalados. O Kiko agarrou na mão da amiga e correram a toda a velocidade em direcção à porta de embarque.
A funcionária disse para se apressarem que o autocarro que iria levar os últimos passageiros estava prestes a sair.
Desceram as escadas apressadamente, o autocarro já tinha fechado as portas e estava arrancar.
Quando os avistou, o motorista travou e abriu as portas de trás. O Francisco entrou primeiro e ainda de mãos dadas com a amiga, puxou a Alice para junto de si. Assim que a Alice entrou, o motorista fechou a porta e arrancou. O impulso projetou a Alice, que ainda não tivera tempo para se agarrar, contra o Kiko, ficando os seus rostos a centímetros de distância, situação que parecia vir-se a repetir com frequência nos últimos meses, pensou Francisco.
A respiração de ambos estava acelerada. A Alice não sabia dizer se era exclusivamente da corrida ou da proximidade. Com a adrenalina a percorrer o seu corpo, o impulso de o beijar era forte, mas o medo e o nervosismo de não ser correspondida apoderaram-se de si contra a sua vontade, que involuntariamente começou a rir, precisamente no momento em que o Kiko tinha ganho coragem para lhe mostrar o que verdadeiramente sentia por ela, para além da amizade que os unia.
O Francisco começou a rir-se também. A mão que segurava a cintura de Alice aliviou a pressão e esta, que tinha ambas as mãos no peito do amigo, afastou-se um pouco e segurou o poste do autocarro. O ambiente ficou mais leve.
Entraram no avião e quando se dirigiam para os seus lugares avistaram os amigos, que lhes acenaram e apontaram para o relógio abanando a cabeça. A Alice apontou para o Kiko que se riu e encolheu os ombros.
Sentados junto a uma das janelas do lado direito do avião, a conversa entre os dois amigos era escassa e a tensão e energia que os envolvia tinha voltado aumentar.
Aquele impasse entre os dois era bastante incomodativo, ambos inibidos de dar o primeiro passo, inseguros apesar do instinto lhes dizer o contrário. Para se libertar momentaneamente daquela tensão, a Alice levantou-se dizendo que ia à casa-de-banho.
O Francisco ficou a vê-la, enquanto ela esperava que alguma ficasse livre.
Encostada à parede e embrenhada nos seus pensamentos sentiu umas mão envolverem a sua cintura e virou-se, tendo apenas tempo de vislumbrar a cara do Francisco, antes de sentir a mão deste apoiar-lhe o rosto, fechar os olhos e sentir a pressão dos seus lábios, contra os seus.
Envolvidos num beijo profundo, há muito desejado e reprimido, todas as suas inseguranças e inibições se perderam. Naquele momento, a 9000 metros de altitude, apenas os dois existiam. Sentiram a porta da casa-de-banho abrir-se e a pessoa que lá estava sair.
Conduzida por Kiko, desapareceram os dois para o seu interior, ignorando o mundo exterior.
Boquiaberta, a Carla dirigiu-se ao lugar da Teresa e do Zack.
-"Não vão acreditar no que é que eu acabei de ver ao sair da casa-de-banho!" - disse entusiasmada.
sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009
Uma viagem, vários destinos - capítulo IV
Os cinco amigos reuniram-se ao jantar no apartamento do Francisco. Combinavam-se os últimos pormenores antes da compra dos bilhetes do Interrail. Tinham-se decidido pelo bilhete Interrail One Country Pass para os Países Baixos, Bélgica e Luxemburgo, conhecidos como Benelux. Seriam oito dias, um para visitar Luxemburgo, três para conhecerem a Bélgica e quatro para a Holanda.
-"Portanto, já temos mais ou menos definido o que vamos fazer cada dia, temos os horários dos comboios e as reservas nos albergues. O parque de campismo ainda temos de ver se precisamos de reservar e já temos a reserva do avião de Lisboa para o Aeroporto de Luxemburgo dia quinze de Agosto às sete da manhã" - disse Zack.
-"Sim, e o voo de volta também. Falta-nos é comprar os bilhetes do interrail. Faltam dois meses, portanto já os podemos comprar" - continuou a Alice.
-"Exacto, e não se esqueçam que na Holanda, o Vítor junta-se a nós." - disse a Carla.
-"E levamos três tendas, uma nossa, outra tua, Carla e outra do Francisco" - disse a Teresa.
-"Ah! Esqueci-me de vos dizer, eu aluguei um filme, o "Before Sunrise", que dizem que é muito bom, e apesar de não irmos visitar os países que mostram no filme, acho que é uma boa inspiração para a nossa viagem, Querem ver depois do jantar?"
-"Kiko, eu adorava, mas o Zack e eu temos banco hoje. A seguir ao jantar temos de ir para o hospital. Desculpa..."
-"Eu acho uma óptima ideia..." - disse a Alice, sorrindo-lhe docemente.
-"Não me leves a mal, mas eu já vi o filme, e posso assegura-vos que é muito bom, mas estou muito cansada e amanhã de manhã vou para fora de Lisboa em reportagem e preciso de ir para casa descansar, fica para a próxima, está bem?" - respondeu a Carla.
-"Claro que não levo a mal, e além disso, tenho a companhia da Alice, que é preciosa!" - respondeu, sorrindo na direcção da amiga, que lhe lançou um sorriso tímido, não esperando aquele elogio.
Os amigos cruzaram olhares entre si, revelando o mesmo pensamento, aquela era a sua deixa para saírem.
Depois de Zack, Teresa e Carla se terem despedido, a Alice e o Francisco aninharam-se no sofá para assistirem ao filme, partilhando um cobertor e uma taça de pipocas.
Quando o filme começou, o Francisco envolveu a Alice sob o seu braço, colocando-o em volta dos ombros dela, ao que ela respondeu chegando-se mais perto e encostando a cabeça ao peito do Kiko.
O facto de os amigos não poderem ter ficado agradava a ambos secretamente. Envolvidos naquele abraço, sentiam-se unidos numa simbiose perfeita.
Deixaram-se envolver no romantismo inerente à história e o Francisco puxou-a discretamente para mais perto de si e ela quase automaticamente colocou uma das mãos no peito do Kiko, aproximando o seu rosto do dele. A escassos centímetros um do outro, a Alice sorriu-lhe. Ele segurou-lhe o rosto com a mão do seu braço livre e acabou por beijar-lhe longamente uma das suas bochechas.
A Alice olhou-o nos olhos por uns momentos e voltou a envolver-se nos seus braços, indagando-se sobre o que tinha acabado de acontecer, enquanto assistiam ao resto do filme. Depois deste acabar, o Kiko insistiu que lhe queria mostrar algo e deixou-a no sofá à espera dele. Como estava a demorar, a Alice encostou a cabeça às almofadas e acabou por adormecer.
Quando voltou, o Francisco abanou a cabeça pensando para si próprio "Tinha de ser...!". Chamou-a baixinho, mas não obteve resposta.
Observou-a durante alguns momentos; pensou em acordá-la para a ir levar a casa, mas não teve coragem de perturbar o seu sono tão pacífico. Acariciou-lhe uma das faces e beijou-lhe a testa. De seguida pegou-a delicadamente ao colo para não a acordar e levou-a para o quarto.
-"Portanto, já temos mais ou menos definido o que vamos fazer cada dia, temos os horários dos comboios e as reservas nos albergues. O parque de campismo ainda temos de ver se precisamos de reservar e já temos a reserva do avião de Lisboa para o Aeroporto de Luxemburgo dia quinze de Agosto às sete da manhã" - disse Zack.
-"Sim, e o voo de volta também. Falta-nos é comprar os bilhetes do interrail. Faltam dois meses, portanto já os podemos comprar" - continuou a Alice.
-"Exacto, e não se esqueçam que na Holanda, o Vítor junta-se a nós." - disse a Carla.
-"E levamos três tendas, uma nossa, outra tua, Carla e outra do Francisco" - disse a Teresa.
-"Ah! Esqueci-me de vos dizer, eu aluguei um filme, o "Before Sunrise", que dizem que é muito bom, e apesar de não irmos visitar os países que mostram no filme, acho que é uma boa inspiração para a nossa viagem, Querem ver depois do jantar?"
-"Kiko, eu adorava, mas o Zack e eu temos banco hoje. A seguir ao jantar temos de ir para o hospital. Desculpa..."
-"Eu acho uma óptima ideia..." - disse a Alice, sorrindo-lhe docemente.
-"Não me leves a mal, mas eu já vi o filme, e posso assegura-vos que é muito bom, mas estou muito cansada e amanhã de manhã vou para fora de Lisboa em reportagem e preciso de ir para casa descansar, fica para a próxima, está bem?" - respondeu a Carla.
-"Claro que não levo a mal, e além disso, tenho a companhia da Alice, que é preciosa!" - respondeu, sorrindo na direcção da amiga, que lhe lançou um sorriso tímido, não esperando aquele elogio.
Os amigos cruzaram olhares entre si, revelando o mesmo pensamento, aquela era a sua deixa para saírem.
Depois de Zack, Teresa e Carla se terem despedido, a Alice e o Francisco aninharam-se no sofá para assistirem ao filme, partilhando um cobertor e uma taça de pipocas.
Quando o filme começou, o Francisco envolveu a Alice sob o seu braço, colocando-o em volta dos ombros dela, ao que ela respondeu chegando-se mais perto e encostando a cabeça ao peito do Kiko.
O facto de os amigos não poderem ter ficado agradava a ambos secretamente. Envolvidos naquele abraço, sentiam-se unidos numa simbiose perfeita.
Deixaram-se envolver no romantismo inerente à história e o Francisco puxou-a discretamente para mais perto de si e ela quase automaticamente colocou uma das mãos no peito do Kiko, aproximando o seu rosto do dele. A escassos centímetros um do outro, a Alice sorriu-lhe. Ele segurou-lhe o rosto com a mão do seu braço livre e acabou por beijar-lhe longamente uma das suas bochechas.
A Alice olhou-o nos olhos por uns momentos e voltou a envolver-se nos seus braços, indagando-se sobre o que tinha acabado de acontecer, enquanto assistiam ao resto do filme. Depois deste acabar, o Kiko insistiu que lhe queria mostrar algo e deixou-a no sofá à espera dele. Como estava a demorar, a Alice encostou a cabeça às almofadas e acabou por adormecer.
Quando voltou, o Francisco abanou a cabeça pensando para si próprio "Tinha de ser...!". Chamou-a baixinho, mas não obteve resposta.
Observou-a durante alguns momentos; pensou em acordá-la para a ir levar a casa, mas não teve coragem de perturbar o seu sono tão pacífico. Acariciou-lhe uma das faces e beijou-lhe a testa. De seguida pegou-a delicadamente ao colo para não a acordar e levou-a para o quarto.
sábado, 25 de abril de 2009
Turismo de Portugal
Já tinha visto este vídeo há alguns meses na televisão, mas recentemente encontrei-o no youtube.
O Turismo de Portugal aqui faz um vídeo sobre Portugal, a sua História, tradições, costumes...é provavelmente o melhor vídeo alguma vez feito sobre o nosso país.
Aqui fica então o vídeo:
Note: This video is in Portuguese, whoever wants to listen in English, here's the link:
Espero que gostem!
Nós realmente temos um país lindo!
E feliz dia da Liberdade!!
Já tinha visto este vídeo há alguns meses na televisão, mas recentemente encontrei-o no youtube.
O Turismo de Portugal aqui faz um vídeo sobre Portugal, a sua História, tradições, costumes...é provavelmente o melhor vídeo alguma vez feito sobre o nosso país.
Aqui fica então o vídeo:
Note: This video is in Portuguese, whoever wants to listen in English, here's the link:
Espero que gostem!
Nós realmente temos um país lindo!
E feliz dia da Liberdade!!
terça-feira, 21 de abril de 2009
segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2009
Reading Habits
The BBC believes most people will have only read 6 of the 100 books here. How do your reading habits stack up?Instructions:Copy into a new note Put an X next to the ones you've read. Include the number you have read in the headline and tag your friends...
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen -X
2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte -
4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling -X
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee -
6 The Bible
7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte -
8 1984 - George Orwell -
9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens -
11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcot t-
12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
13 Catch 22 - Joseph Heller -
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare
15 Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien -
17 Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk
18 Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger -
19 The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
20 Middlemarch - George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell -
22 The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
23 Bleak House - Charles Dickens
24 War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
25 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams -
26 Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
27 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
29 Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
30 The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
32 David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
33 Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis
34 Emma - Jane Austen -X
35 Persuasion - Jane Austen
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis
37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini - X
38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
39 Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden -
40 Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne
41 Animal Farm - George Orwell - X
42 The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown -X
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez -
44 A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving
45 The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery
47 Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy -
48 The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies - William Golding- Half an X
50 Atonement - Ian McEwan
51 Life of Pi - Yann Martel
52 Dune - Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen-X
55 A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth -
56 The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens -
58 Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
62 Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
63 The Secret History - Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
65 Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road - Jack Kerouac
67 Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary - Helen Fielding
69 Midnight’s Children - Salman Rushdie -
70 Moby Dick - Herman Melville
71 Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens - half an X
72 Dracula - Bram Stoker
73 The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett -
74 Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson
75 Ulysses - James Joyce
76 The Inferno - Dante
77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal - Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession - AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
82 Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
83 The Color Purple - Alice Walker
84 The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
86 A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte’s Web - EB White
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
90 The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton -
91 Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
92 The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
93 The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks
94 Watership Down - Richard Adams
95 A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
98 Hamlet - William Shakespeare
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
My total : 8
PS: half an X because for some reason or the other i never finished the book...
I feel like I'm an ileterate!!
I can't believe.. there are so many books here i wanted to read but never did...
and there are the books i should have read but never have :(
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen -X
2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte -
4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling -X
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee -
6 The Bible
7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte -
8 1984 - George Orwell -
9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman
10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens -
11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcot t-
12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
13 Catch 22 - Joseph Heller -
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare
15 Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier
16 The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien -
17 Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk
18 Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger -
19 The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
20 Middlemarch - George Eliot
21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell -
22 The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald
23 Bleak House - Charles Dickens
24 War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy
25 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams -
26 Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh
27 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
28 Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
29 Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
30 The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
31 Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
32 David Copperfield - Charles Dickens
33 Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis
34 Emma - Jane Austen -X
35 Persuasion - Jane Austen
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis
37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini - X
38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres
39 Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden -
40 Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne
41 Animal Farm - George Orwell - X
42 The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown -X
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez -
44 A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving
45 The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins
46 Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery
47 Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy -
48 The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood
49 Lord of the Flies - William Golding- Half an X
50 Atonement - Ian McEwan
51 Life of Pi - Yann Martel
52 Dune - Frank Herbert
53 Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons
54 Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen-X
55 A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth -
56 The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon
57 A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens -
58 Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
61 Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck
62 Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
63 The Secret History - Donna Tartt
64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
65 Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
66 On The Road - Jack Kerouac
67 Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary - Helen Fielding
69 Midnight’s Children - Salman Rushdie -
70 Moby Dick - Herman Melville
71 Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens - half an X
72 Dracula - Bram Stoker
73 The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett -
74 Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson
75 Ulysses - James Joyce
76 The Inferno - Dante
77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome
78 Germinal - Emile Zola
79 Vanity Fair - William Makepeace Thackeray
80 Possession - AS Byatt
81 A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens
82 Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell
83 The Color Purple - Alice Walker
84 The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
85 Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert
86 A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry
87 Charlotte’s Web - EB White
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
90 The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton -
91 Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
92 The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
93 The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks
94 Watership Down - Richard Adams
95 A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
96 A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute
97 The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
98 Hamlet - William Shakespeare
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl
100 Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
My total : 8
PS: half an X because for some reason or the other i never finished the book...
I feel like I'm an ileterate!!
I can't believe.. there are so many books here i wanted to read but never did...
and there are the books i should have read but never have :(
segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2009
É isso aí
Bem...nem sabem quantas vezes já ouvi esta música hoje, estou mesmo super viciada.
Já gostava imenso da cantora e até já tinha ouvido esta música mas não sei porque hoje não me sai da cabeça, então resolvi partilhá-la com todos vocês.
A música é a É isso aí da Ana Carolina com Seu Jorge.
Acho que ficou mesmo espectacular, espero que também gostem e que não achem que foi uma perca de tempo ouvir =)
Resta-me só dizer que acho a Ana Carolina uma das melhores compositoras e cantoras brasileiras.
Já gostava imenso da cantora e até já tinha ouvido esta música mas não sei porque hoje não me sai da cabeça, então resolvi partilhá-la com todos vocês.
A música é a É isso aí da Ana Carolina com Seu Jorge.
Acho que ficou mesmo espectacular, espero que também gostem e que não achem que foi uma perca de tempo ouvir =)
Resta-me só dizer que acho a Ana Carolina uma das melhores compositoras e cantoras brasileiras.
Uma viagem, vários destinos - capítulo III
No dia seguinte decidiram-se ficar pela piscina e o Francisco e a Alice conversavam animadamente dentro de água. A reacção da farmacêutica ao saber que Francisco andava a sair com outra mulher surpreendeu-a a si própria, tinha-se sentido traída sem razão absolutamente nenhuma, o kiko era livre de namorar ou sair com quem ele quisesse, afinal eles eram só amigos. Porque é que ela sentia que algo estava errado? Olhava os olhos azuis e penetrantes do seu melhor amigo. Nunca seriam mais do que isso? Kiko nunca olharia para si como uma mulher? Esse pensamento entristeceu-a momentaneamente.
-"Está tudo bem?"
-"Está, mas eu vou sair um bocado da água. Até já!"
Francisco ficou a ver Alice sair da piscina e deitar-se na toalha. Ela mexia com ele e o corpo dela deixava-lo doido. Às vezes tinha de se controlar e lembrar-se que eram apenas amigos. A Alice nunca imaginaria os pensamentos menos próprios que por vezes atravessavam o seu espírito, pensou Francisco. Ele tinha consciência que ela sentia apenas amizade e não queria estragar isso.
Os olhos de Alice cruzaram-se com os de Francisco, que lhe sorriu. Ela retribuiu o sorriso e observou-o. O kiko, agora que o considerava dessa perspectiva, era bastante bonito, não sabia como nunca tinha reparado nisso.
A Teresa deitou-se ao seu lado:
-"Estás com um ar pensativo, passa-se alguma coisa? - perguntou.
-"Não se passa nada...só umas ideias tolas." - A Alice sorriu -"Estive a pensar nisso do interrail, e podem contar comigo, acho uma óptima ideia!"
-"O que é que é uma óptima ideia?" - perguntou o Kiko.
-"O interrail" - responderam-lhe.
-"Eu também acho, por mim vamos!" - disse Kiko, deitando-se do outro lado de Alice.
-"Mas isso é óptimo, vou já contar ao Zack!" - disse a Teresa, levantando-se.
-"E o menino não tem a sua própria toalha? Tem de ocupar metade da minha?"
-"Sabes que eu não consigo estar longe de ti!" - brincou.
A Alice sorriu-lhe, acariciou-lhe uma das faces e deu-lhe um beijo carinhoso na outra.
-"Eu também não." - respondeu num tom mais sério que surpreendeu Francisco.
-"Está tudo bem?"
-"Está, mas eu vou sair um bocado da água. Até já!"
Francisco ficou a ver Alice sair da piscina e deitar-se na toalha. Ela mexia com ele e o corpo dela deixava-lo doido. Às vezes tinha de se controlar e lembrar-se que eram apenas amigos. A Alice nunca imaginaria os pensamentos menos próprios que por vezes atravessavam o seu espírito, pensou Francisco. Ele tinha consciência que ela sentia apenas amizade e não queria estragar isso.
Os olhos de Alice cruzaram-se com os de Francisco, que lhe sorriu. Ela retribuiu o sorriso e observou-o. O kiko, agora que o considerava dessa perspectiva, era bastante bonito, não sabia como nunca tinha reparado nisso.
A Teresa deitou-se ao seu lado:
-"Estás com um ar pensativo, passa-se alguma coisa? - perguntou.
-"Não se passa nada...só umas ideias tolas." - A Alice sorriu -"Estive a pensar nisso do interrail, e podem contar comigo, acho uma óptima ideia!"
-"O que é que é uma óptima ideia?" - perguntou o Kiko.
-"O interrail" - responderam-lhe.
-"Eu também acho, por mim vamos!" - disse Kiko, deitando-se do outro lado de Alice.
-"Mas isso é óptimo, vou já contar ao Zack!" - disse a Teresa, levantando-se.
-"E o menino não tem a sua própria toalha? Tem de ocupar metade da minha?"
-"Sabes que eu não consigo estar longe de ti!" - brincou.
A Alice sorriu-lhe, acariciou-lhe uma das faces e deu-lhe um beijo carinhoso na outra.
-"Eu também não." - respondeu num tom mais sério que surpreendeu Francisco.
Uma viagem, vários destinos - capítulo II
Os seus amigos Teresa e Zack tinham convidado todo o grupo para passar o fim-de-semana na casa de praia que tinham adquirido recentemente. Zack O'neill era um médico irlandês que tinha vindo para Lisboa em Erasmus vários anos antes; depois de ter estado um ano a estudar em Portugal percebeu que nunca mais sairia desta nova casa e que não conseguia viver sem a sua colega portuguesa que lhe roubara o coração. Teresa e Zack tinham-se casado há cerca de um ano e trabalhavam em diferentes hospitais em Lisboa.
Ter oportunidade de estar dois dias seguidos com o seu grupo de amigos era uma ocasião rara, já não eram estudantes e todos trabalhavam e tinham as suas responsabilidades. Era a ocasião ideal para porem a conversa em dia e matarem saudades.
Resolveram jantar num restaurante junto à praia que tinha uma esplanada com vista para o mar.
-"Francisco" - começou a Carla, a jornalista do grupo, que trabalhava para a estação televisiva Sic - "só faltas tu, conta lá as novidades, continuas na Teixeira Duarte?
-"Sim, estou agora a trabalhar na projecção de uma nova ponte, juntamente com outro colega que também é Engenheiro Civil."
-"Muito bem! Então e namoradas?" - perguntou com um sorriso malicioso.
-"Bem, ultimamente tenho saído com uma advogada que conheci há tempos..."
-"O quê? E não me contaste nada?" - perguntou surpreendida a Alice.
-"Ainda só fomos jantar duas vezes. Não foi nada de importante, por isso é que ainda não tinha dito nada" - respondeu o Francisco.
-"Se é importante para a mencionares aqui, já é alguma coisa e além disso nunca me falaste de nenhuma advogada." - continuou Alice ofendida.
-"Falei-te sim, a Catarina, a amiga do Miguel, que andou comigo na faculdade, lembraste?" - respondeu surpreendido com a reacção da sua amiga.
Durante um breve silêncio incomodativo, os seus amigos entreolharam-se e Zack resolveu quebrar o silêncio, mudando de assunto:
-"Bem, eu e a Teresa estivémos a conversar outro dia, e se calhar vão achar isto uma ideia um bocado disparatada, mas e se fizessemos um interrail? Ainda estamos a tempo e seria uma experiência interessante...o que é que acham?"
-"Isso é uma ideia surpreendente, e interessante claro, não sei..." - disse a Carla.
-"Pensem nisso durante uns dias e depois digam-nos, mas considerem mesmo, ok?"
Ter oportunidade de estar dois dias seguidos com o seu grupo de amigos era uma ocasião rara, já não eram estudantes e todos trabalhavam e tinham as suas responsabilidades. Era a ocasião ideal para porem a conversa em dia e matarem saudades.
Resolveram jantar num restaurante junto à praia que tinha uma esplanada com vista para o mar.
-"Francisco" - começou a Carla, a jornalista do grupo, que trabalhava para a estação televisiva Sic - "só faltas tu, conta lá as novidades, continuas na Teixeira Duarte?
-"Sim, estou agora a trabalhar na projecção de uma nova ponte, juntamente com outro colega que também é Engenheiro Civil."
-"Muito bem! Então e namoradas?" - perguntou com um sorriso malicioso.
-"Bem, ultimamente tenho saído com uma advogada que conheci há tempos..."
-"O quê? E não me contaste nada?" - perguntou surpreendida a Alice.
-"Ainda só fomos jantar duas vezes. Não foi nada de importante, por isso é que ainda não tinha dito nada" - respondeu o Francisco.
-"Se é importante para a mencionares aqui, já é alguma coisa e além disso nunca me falaste de nenhuma advogada." - continuou Alice ofendida.
-"Falei-te sim, a Catarina, a amiga do Miguel, que andou comigo na faculdade, lembraste?" - respondeu surpreendido com a reacção da sua amiga.
Durante um breve silêncio incomodativo, os seus amigos entreolharam-se e Zack resolveu quebrar o silêncio, mudando de assunto:
-"Bem, eu e a Teresa estivémos a conversar outro dia, e se calhar vão achar isto uma ideia um bocado disparatada, mas e se fizessemos um interrail? Ainda estamos a tempo e seria uma experiência interessante...o que é que acham?"
-"Isso é uma ideia surpreendente, e interessante claro, não sei..." - disse a Carla.
-"Pensem nisso durante uns dias e depois digam-nos, mas considerem mesmo, ok?"
domingo, 5 de abril de 2009
Uma viagem, vários destinos - capítulo I
Desde que escrevi aquelas fics há tempos fiquei com vontade de escrever, por isso ontem à noite resolvi começar uma história, ao estilo do que o Lion falou para o blog dele, a ser actualizada mensalmente. Este é o primeiro capítulo da história que ainda não tem título (caso apareçam sugestões ;) . Já tenho mais dois capítulos à espera de serem passados para o pc. Espero que gostem.
Capítulo I
Os longos e escuros cabelos de Alice caíam sobre a almofada, refletindo os raios de sol do novo dia que entravam pela janela. Embrenhada num sono profundo, a sua mente demorou a despertar quer para a campainha, quer para o telemóvel que tocavam incessantemente. Quando finalmente os sentidos a despertaram, apercebeu-se das horas. Levantou-se de um salto e foi a correr abrir a porta a Francisco.
O seu melhor amigo encontrava-se especado à entrada do apartamento, "Não acredito que ela me voltou a fazer isto!". Estava bastante irritado, em termos de pontualidade eram verdadeiros opostos. A porta abriu-se à sua frente:
-"Desculpa, desculpa, desculpa!" - redimiu-se Alice, segurando-lhe o rosto e dando-lhe um beijo na face - "Adormeci!"
-"Adormeci!" - repetiu Francisco com uma voz distorcida - "E se fosse eu a fazer-te o mesmo? Já é a segunda vez Alice!" - continuou zangado.
-"Desculpa..." - repetiu Alice com olhos de bambi.
-"Vá, pára lá com a chantagem emocional" - respondeu Francisco com o coração amolecido.
Alice sorriu - "Entra, eu vou-me vestir e volto já. Já comeste?" - perguntou enquanto desaparecia pelo corredor.
-"Já, mas eu preparo-te o pequeno-almoço."
-"Kiko, não é preciso..." - reapareceu Alice.
-"Alice, vai-te vestir, senão vamos chegar atrasados!"
-"Ok, ok, estou a ir..." -brincou.
Francisco suspirou ao vê-la desaparecer de novo para o interior da casa. A Alice não tinha consciência do efeito que causava nele ao aparecer assim, com uma camisa de noite que cobria o mínimo do seu elegante corpo. Eles podiam ser apenas amigos, os melhores amigos, mas ele continuava a ser um homem, e não era de todo indiferente à sua beleza. Alice tinha um corpo bem delineado, olhos brilhantes cor de mel, longos cabelos negros que lhe caíam em ondas sobre os ombros e ao longo das costas, e um sorriso, sim, era o que mais atraía Francisco na sua amiga, o seu sorriso mágico e delicioso que o deixava sempre rendido.
Capítulo I
Os longos e escuros cabelos de Alice caíam sobre a almofada, refletindo os raios de sol do novo dia que entravam pela janela. Embrenhada num sono profundo, a sua mente demorou a despertar quer para a campainha, quer para o telemóvel que tocavam incessantemente. Quando finalmente os sentidos a despertaram, apercebeu-se das horas. Levantou-se de um salto e foi a correr abrir a porta a Francisco.
O seu melhor amigo encontrava-se especado à entrada do apartamento, "Não acredito que ela me voltou a fazer isto!". Estava bastante irritado, em termos de pontualidade eram verdadeiros opostos. A porta abriu-se à sua frente:
-"Desculpa, desculpa, desculpa!" - redimiu-se Alice, segurando-lhe o rosto e dando-lhe um beijo na face - "Adormeci!"
-"Adormeci!" - repetiu Francisco com uma voz distorcida - "E se fosse eu a fazer-te o mesmo? Já é a segunda vez Alice!" - continuou zangado.
-"Desculpa..." - repetiu Alice com olhos de bambi.
-"Vá, pára lá com a chantagem emocional" - respondeu Francisco com o coração amolecido.
Alice sorriu - "Entra, eu vou-me vestir e volto já. Já comeste?" - perguntou enquanto desaparecia pelo corredor.
-"Já, mas eu preparo-te o pequeno-almoço."
-"Kiko, não é preciso..." - reapareceu Alice.
-"Alice, vai-te vestir, senão vamos chegar atrasados!"
-"Ok, ok, estou a ir..." -brincou.
Francisco suspirou ao vê-la desaparecer de novo para o interior da casa. A Alice não tinha consciência do efeito que causava nele ao aparecer assim, com uma camisa de noite que cobria o mínimo do seu elegante corpo. Eles podiam ser apenas amigos, os melhores amigos, mas ele continuava a ser um homem, e não era de todo indiferente à sua beleza. Alice tinha um corpo bem delineado, olhos brilhantes cor de mel, longos cabelos negros que lhe caíam em ondas sobre os ombros e ao longo das costas, e um sorriso, sim, era o que mais atraía Francisco na sua amiga, o seu sorriso mágico e delicioso que o deixava sempre rendido.
sábado, 28 de março de 2009
Dancing Jodi!
Um vídeo super bem editado com clips de vários filmes de Bollywood, por http://www.youtube.com/user/MixedByMonikaToor, com a música "Dancing Jodi" do filme "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi".
sexta-feira, 13 de março de 2009
Frase fofinha! ;)
"Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So, if you looked up at the sky and found it dark with no stars, it is all your fault. You made me miss you too much!"
terça-feira, 10 de março de 2009
As pessoas de um modo geral são bastante influenciáveis, pois estão constantemente a ser bombardeadas com informação associada a fazedores de opinião na comunicação social, a publicidade e também à arte.
O entretenimente gere milhões e move massas, ao mesmo tempo que se apresenta como forma de cultura. Assim acaba por ter uma forte influência nas populações.
Os filmes e os livros aproximam-se das emoções e retratam situações com as quais o público se pode identificar, criando aceitação, divertimento, entretenimento e por vezes obsessão como os cinéfilos de Hollywood ou os incondicionais fãs de Harry Potter.
Também a música tem uma grande influência, principalmente nas camadas mais jovens que vêem nas suas bandas e cantores favoritos autênticos ídolos, motivo de adoração que leva, por exemplo, adolescentes a dormir à entrada do Parque da Belavista dois dias antes do concerto dos Tokio Hotel para assegurar um lugar próximo dos seus "deuses".
Uns mais que outros, somos todos "feitos pelos livros que nos marcam, pelos filmes que vimos e pelas músicas que gostamos", uma vez que fazem parte do meio que nos rodeia, da sociedade, das conversas e são altamente apelativos, não sendo ninguém indiferente à indústria do entretenimento.
O entretenimente gere milhões e move massas, ao mesmo tempo que se apresenta como forma de cultura. Assim acaba por ter uma forte influência nas populações.
Os filmes e os livros aproximam-se das emoções e retratam situações com as quais o público se pode identificar, criando aceitação, divertimento, entretenimento e por vezes obsessão como os cinéfilos de Hollywood ou os incondicionais fãs de Harry Potter.
Também a música tem uma grande influência, principalmente nas camadas mais jovens que vêem nas suas bandas e cantores favoritos autênticos ídolos, motivo de adoração que leva, por exemplo, adolescentes a dormir à entrada do Parque da Belavista dois dias antes do concerto dos Tokio Hotel para assegurar um lugar próximo dos seus "deuses".
Uns mais que outros, somos todos "feitos pelos livros que nos marcam, pelos filmes que vimos e pelas músicas que gostamos", uma vez que fazem parte do meio que nos rodeia, da sociedade, das conversas e são altamente apelativos, não sendo ninguém indiferente à indústria do entretenimento.
Desta vez tenho um desafio para vocês.
Todos temos vários defeitos que nos incomodam e prejudicam. E o que eu vos proponho é que pensem qual é o vosso pior defeito, o que vos irrita mais, aquele que por mais que tentem tem sempre tendência a manifestar-se, o que vos incomoda e prejudica mais frequentemente.
Com isto em mente, desafio-vos, deste este momento até ao final deste mês, a fazer tudo por tudo, para não sucumbirem ao vosso defeito. Até ao fim do mês, esse defeito não existe em vocês. O que acham? Aceitam?
Não precisam de dizer o defeito em que estão a pensar, se não quiserem, mas gostava que me dissessem o vosso desempenho.
Para mim, o defeito que tenho em vista é a minha tendência compulsiva de chegar a todo e qualquer lado/encontro praticamente SEMPRE atrasada! Também não se assustem, normalmente não é mais do que 10 min...
Isto às vezes irrita-me mais a mim do que as pessoas que ficam à seca à minha espera. Já agora, a todas as pessoas que já ficaram à minha espera, desculpem! :(
Espero que aceitem, e boa sorte! :)
"As virtudes não se alcançam sem esforço; os defeitos não se corrigem sem luta." Padre Marcelino Champagnat
"Dai-me a graça de conhecer os meus defeitos, de os corrigir e sobretudo a graça nunca desistir de os combater" Padre Marcelino Champagnat
Desta vez tenho um desafio para vocês.
Todos temos vários defeitos que nos incomodam e prejudicam. E o que eu vos proponho é que pensem qual é o vosso pior defeito, o que vos irrita mais, aquele que por mais que tentem tem sempre tendência a manifestar-se, o que vos incomoda e prejudica mais frequentemente.
Com isto em mente, desafio-vos, deste este momento até ao final deste mês, a fazer tudo por tudo, para não sucumbirem ao vosso defeito. Até ao fim do mês, esse defeito não existe em vocês. O que acham? Aceitam?
Não precisam de dizer o defeito em que estão a pensar, se não quiserem, mas gostava que me dissessem o vosso desempenho.
Para mim, o defeito que tenho em vista é a minha tendência compulsiva de chegar a todo e qualquer lado/encontro praticamente SEMPRE atrasada! Também não se assustem, normalmente não é mais do que 10 min...
Isto às vezes irrita-me mais a mim do que as pessoas que ficam à seca à minha espera. Já agora, a todas as pessoas que já ficaram à minha espera, desculpem! :(
Espero que aceitem, e boa sorte! :)
"As virtudes não se alcançam sem esforço; os defeitos não se corrigem sem luta." Padre Marcelino Champagnat
"Dai-me a graça de conhecer os meus defeitos, de os corrigir e sobretudo a graça nunca desistir de os combater" Padre Marcelino Champagnat
sábado, 7 de março de 2009
O melhor casal da Disney!
Na minha opinião, é claro! ;) Alladin e Jasmin!
O vídeo foi tirado do youtube, já não sei de onde.
O vídeo foi tirado do youtube, já não sei de onde.
quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009
quarta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2009
Journey of a woman
Vibha and Rohan - three years later
Rating: Suitable for all ages
Chapter 1
Rohan’s Office party was taking place at the taj mahal hotel in Mumbai. Some of the most important and influence people in India were attending, from politicians, economists, lawyers. This was probably the fifth event related to Rohan’s work that Vibha was attending. They had been happily married for three years now.
She started University soon after their unplanned marriage in Benares and her graduation as a fashion designer was almost complete. She was known between her husband’s colleagues as a lovely person and everyone enjoyed her presence.
Rohan loved his wife very much. He was still stunned with his own attitude in Benares when he proposed to her, Knowing that they barely knew each other, but he was thankful everyday for having her next to him and to be a prisoner of her “spell”, like he used to joke with her.
People were gathering in small groups in tables where, previously, they had dinner or standing while they talked. A small band had been hired and a few couples were dancing at the rhythm of the soft music. Rohan held Vibha’s waist while they were dancing and smiling at each other. She gave him a light kiss on his lips and said:
-“I love you!”
-“I love you too, baby!”
She laid her head against his chest and they continued dancing tightly.
The music ended and the dancing couples started to disperse through the room.
-“Natasha! Wow, it’s been a long time. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Vibha felt her heart skip a beat and her nails almost craved Rohan’s hand skin when she heard this words. The voice was too familiar. She and Rohan turned to see Mr Sigh (?) , through whom they had met in the plane to Switzerland.
-“So, you decided to access the services of our PR manager…” – he said to Rohan.
Vibha wished to disappear, her embarrassment was visible.
-“Mr Sigh , this is my wife Mrs Vibhavary Verma. – said Rohan with a confident, strong voice.
Mr Sigh ‘s face expression was of total shock, surprise and curiosity. He looked from Rohan to Vibha, and from her to Rohan again.
-“So, you quit the business, huh?” – he said to Vibha.
-“My wife is a respectful woman and she should and will be treated like that” – Rohan cut, with his voice tone a little raised.
The surprise, the excess of drinks he had taken and the sense of opportunity to take revenge on some recent business Rohan had prejudice, all came together for him to say something he would never say under normal conditions:
-“What respect? You married a slut!” –he said loudly, in a clear provoking tone, looking directly into Rohan’s eyes.
Rohan’s reaction was automatic; he punched Mr Sigh in the face, who responded with another punch in Rohan’s stomach. They were starting a fight. Vibha felt a shiver going through her spine when she heard the word slut and saw Rohan’s reaction:
-“Stop! Stop it!” – she and other people got between them, trying to separate them.
She was feeling extremely embarrassed, people were looking at them, they couldn’t have done a scene like that in such a place. What would Rohan’s colleagues think? Would he be tainted and prejudiced after that? Of course he would…and she was the reason, she was guilty of all that. She felt people’s gazes like burns. She got out of the room and went to the reception. She asked for her coat and purse and left a note for her husband.
Rohan put himself together, gaining control again. His colleagues let him go. Everyone was looking and commenting what they had just seen and heard.
-“What happened, Rohan?” – asked one of his colleagues.
-“Where’s Vibha?” – was his response.
Someone said something about her leaving the room a few moments before.
The receptionist told him she had left and gave him her note.
Chapter 2
Vibha entered her old apartment. Although she was living with Rohan and his grandmother at their house, she had decided to keep her own place. It had been months since the last time she had entered there.Her past had never been an issue since the day they had married. She frequently thought she was living a fairy tale, Rohan couldn’t be real. She was very cautious at first, always scared that one day her past would speak louder, but now she was too comfortable with her life. Nevertheless, from nowhere her past came into their lives again, she felt extremely guilty and scared. Scared of what would happen between her and Rohan…this last thought left her sick, she ran into the bathroom and threw up everything she had eaten.
The next day :
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I know this was my entire fault. I need some time alone. I’ll be at my apartment.” Rohan reread the note.
He noticed that the rumors about his fight and his wife had reached everyone in his office. Except they were more than rumors, they were true…
“For me, you’re the Ganges herself”, he remembered, and now he was feeling ashamed of Vibha. Seeing her through other people’s eyes made him feel disgusted. Imagining Mr Sigh touching Vibha, as well as so many other men was increasing his despise and jealously for her.
Vibha was sick all morning and kept throwing up. She had noticed small changes, but it was all coming together now. She bought some pregnancy tests at lunch time from her classes at college, and they came back all positive.
She felt her womb, while she imagined herself as a mother and smiled. She thought of Rohan as she was regretting her attitude the night before. He stood by her, he defended her, and she cowardly left. They had to talk and clear things up and she had to tell him about the baby.
She stepped out of the house, crying. Emotions had taken over her. His face, his anger, his words, the disgust in his eyes… She could have faced and took that from anybody, but not from him. Every word he said hit her like a stab. She heard his shouts, she saw his rage and she didn’t utter a word. He finished and she left. Was this the end?
Before reaching the gate she stopped, something was wrong, she felt dizzy. She massaged her forehead, took a deep breath and stepped out of the gate into the street.
Rohan followed her with his eyes through the window. He was angry and rage was still running through his veins. In the middle he said things he didn’t felt just to hurt her, to unload everything on her, all the comments, all the rumors, all the looks. Maybe he had went a bit too far.
-“Sir!” –said a nervous voice.
-“Yes?” – Rohan responded to his grandmother’s gatekeeper.
-“It’s Mrs Vibha, please come quickly!” – he answered as he disappeared through the corridor.Rohan’s anger suddenly stopped and was replaced by a pain in his heart. He ran after the other man and when he reached the street he saw her, a few meters away laying on the ground with people surrounding her.
-“Baby?!” – he called, giving her light taps in her cheek – “What happened? Baby, wake up!” – he said with a worried and shaking voice.
The sound of an ambulance was approaching. She was still reaction less.
The doctor appeared.-“How is she, sir? What happened? What does she have?” – Rohan asked worried.
-“Well, she is ok now. She hit her head when she fainted, and we aren’t sure if her vomits are just derived from the pregnancy or if she has some more serious head trauma. We will keep her in observation tonight, but she can go home tomorrow. She said she had had a discussion before the faint and we believe that that’s what caused it. She can’t go through strong emotions during these months.You may see her now, if you want.”
Chapter 3
He was caught by her eyes as soon as he entered the room. He could see she was hurt, her eyes were like a mirror to her soul.He sat next to her in the bed and she automatically stepped a little from him.
-“Since when do you know?” – he started.
-“I found out this morning.” – she said, not looking at him.
-“Baby, I’m sorry! I was out of line, I didn’t mean what I said…” – he continued while he grabbed her hand.
She released her hand and went to the bathroom. He heard her, and then the flush. After a while she got out.
-“Are you ok?”
She returned to the bed without looking at him. With a pain in her heart, she said:
-“I need to rest. Please leave.”
-“Baby, I…”
-“Leave!” – She repeated, now with a louder and stronger voice.
Rohan sat in the hospital corridor. He replayed their discussion in his head. He couldn’t blame her; she had all the reasons to never want to see him again. He knew she was an escort before marrying her, she never hide it from him, and he had no right to throw that to her face now. Vibha wasn’t the kind of person who keeps resents. One didn’t even have to apologize, it was enough just showing regret and it would all be good again in seconds. This was a first in three years. He had clearly gone too far.
-“Brother? You look worried, I thought the doctor said Vibha was ok now…?!” – asked Rohan’s younger brother, interrupting his thoughts.
-“Oh, hi! Yes, she is. You can go inside if you want.”
Vibha was fighting hard with herself to control her emotions when sunshine entered her room:
-“Didi?”Vibha gave Chutki and Vivaan a big smile.
-“Hey sweeties!” – she exclaimed.
They both realized something was wrong between Vibha and Rohan as soon as they looked into her eyes.They talked for a while and they congratulated her for the baby. She smiled but looked even more sad.
-“Didi, is everything ok between you and Rohan? – She asked.
Vibha’s eyes filled with tears but she didn’t say anything. She hugged Chutki and waited until they left the room to allow the tears to shed.
It was night when Michelle appeared. How they had let her in and how she had known Vibha was in the hospital was a mystery.
-“Sweetie, I don’t know exactly what happened, but it isn’t hard for me to imagine, from what I was told. I guess how you must be feeling, but the truth is that you have two choices and what I want to tell you is this: Don’t let the shadows of your past ruin the life and the dream you built. Fight for what you achieved and make it work!”
Michelle hugged Vibha and watched her past through the gate and into the house before driving away.Vibha walked into the room darkened by the night and saw him standing in the balcony. He turned when they were just a few meters from each other and saw her.
-“Vibha…?” – he said with surprise and stepped in her direction.
Their eyes met and hers filled with tears again. The pregnancy was leaving her too emotional, she thought. She hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and said to her ear:
- “I’m sorry…”
-“I’m sorry too…”
He held a hand to support her face and said:
-“I love you…”
She lifted her hand to his face and caressed his cheek. And she kissed him.
Find the rest of the story at my other blog: http://historiasdamorgaine.blogspot.com/2009/06/vibha-and-rohan-three-years-later-1.html
Rating: Suitable for all ages
Chapter 1
Rohan’s Office party was taking place at the taj mahal hotel in Mumbai. Some of the most important and influence people in India were attending, from politicians, economists, lawyers. This was probably the fifth event related to Rohan’s work that Vibha was attending. They had been happily married for three years now.
She started University soon after their unplanned marriage in Benares and her graduation as a fashion designer was almost complete. She was known between her husband’s colleagues as a lovely person and everyone enjoyed her presence.
Rohan loved his wife very much. He was still stunned with his own attitude in Benares when he proposed to her, Knowing that they barely knew each other, but he was thankful everyday for having her next to him and to be a prisoner of her “spell”, like he used to joke with her.
People were gathering in small groups in tables where, previously, they had dinner or standing while they talked. A small band had been hired and a few couples were dancing at the rhythm of the soft music. Rohan held Vibha’s waist while they were dancing and smiling at each other. She gave him a light kiss on his lips and said:
-“I love you!”
-“I love you too, baby!”
She laid her head against his chest and they continued dancing tightly.
The music ended and the dancing couples started to disperse through the room.
-“Natasha! Wow, it’s been a long time. Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Vibha felt her heart skip a beat and her nails almost craved Rohan’s hand skin when she heard this words. The voice was too familiar. She and Rohan turned to see Mr Sigh (?) , through whom they had met in the plane to Switzerland.
-“So, you decided to access the services of our PR manager…” – he said to Rohan.
Vibha wished to disappear, her embarrassment was visible.
-“Mr Sigh , this is my wife Mrs Vibhavary Verma. – said Rohan with a confident, strong voice.
Mr Sigh ‘s face expression was of total shock, surprise and curiosity. He looked from Rohan to Vibha, and from her to Rohan again.
-“So, you quit the business, huh?” – he said to Vibha.
-“My wife is a respectful woman and she should and will be treated like that” – Rohan cut, with his voice tone a little raised.
The surprise, the excess of drinks he had taken and the sense of opportunity to take revenge on some recent business Rohan had prejudice, all came together for him to say something he would never say under normal conditions:
-“What respect? You married a slut!” –he said loudly, in a clear provoking tone, looking directly into Rohan’s eyes.
Rohan’s reaction was automatic; he punched Mr Sigh in the face, who responded with another punch in Rohan’s stomach. They were starting a fight. Vibha felt a shiver going through her spine when she heard the word slut and saw Rohan’s reaction:
-“Stop! Stop it!” – she and other people got between them, trying to separate them.
She was feeling extremely embarrassed, people were looking at them, they couldn’t have done a scene like that in such a place. What would Rohan’s colleagues think? Would he be tainted and prejudiced after that? Of course he would…and she was the reason, she was guilty of all that. She felt people’s gazes like burns. She got out of the room and went to the reception. She asked for her coat and purse and left a note for her husband.
Rohan put himself together, gaining control again. His colleagues let him go. Everyone was looking and commenting what they had just seen and heard.
-“What happened, Rohan?” – asked one of his colleagues.
-“Where’s Vibha?” – was his response.
Someone said something about her leaving the room a few moments before.
The receptionist told him she had left and gave him her note.
Chapter 2
Vibha entered her old apartment. Although she was living with Rohan and his grandmother at their house, she had decided to keep her own place. It had been months since the last time she had entered there.Her past had never been an issue since the day they had married. She frequently thought she was living a fairy tale, Rohan couldn’t be real. She was very cautious at first, always scared that one day her past would speak louder, but now she was too comfortable with her life. Nevertheless, from nowhere her past came into their lives again, she felt extremely guilty and scared. Scared of what would happen between her and Rohan…this last thought left her sick, she ran into the bathroom and threw up everything she had eaten.
The next day :
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I know this was my entire fault. I need some time alone. I’ll be at my apartment.” Rohan reread the note.
He noticed that the rumors about his fight and his wife had reached everyone in his office. Except they were more than rumors, they were true…
“For me, you’re the Ganges herself”, he remembered, and now he was feeling ashamed of Vibha. Seeing her through other people’s eyes made him feel disgusted. Imagining Mr Sigh touching Vibha, as well as so many other men was increasing his despise and jealously for her.
Vibha was sick all morning and kept throwing up. She had noticed small changes, but it was all coming together now. She bought some pregnancy tests at lunch time from her classes at college, and they came back all positive.
She felt her womb, while she imagined herself as a mother and smiled. She thought of Rohan as she was regretting her attitude the night before. He stood by her, he defended her, and she cowardly left. They had to talk and clear things up and she had to tell him about the baby.
She stepped out of the house, crying. Emotions had taken over her. His face, his anger, his words, the disgust in his eyes… She could have faced and took that from anybody, but not from him. Every word he said hit her like a stab. She heard his shouts, she saw his rage and she didn’t utter a word. He finished and she left. Was this the end?
Before reaching the gate she stopped, something was wrong, she felt dizzy. She massaged her forehead, took a deep breath and stepped out of the gate into the street.
Rohan followed her with his eyes through the window. He was angry and rage was still running through his veins. In the middle he said things he didn’t felt just to hurt her, to unload everything on her, all the comments, all the rumors, all the looks. Maybe he had went a bit too far.
-“Sir!” –said a nervous voice.
-“Yes?” – Rohan responded to his grandmother’s gatekeeper.
-“It’s Mrs Vibha, please come quickly!” – he answered as he disappeared through the corridor.Rohan’s anger suddenly stopped and was replaced by a pain in his heart. He ran after the other man and when he reached the street he saw her, a few meters away laying on the ground with people surrounding her.
-“Baby?!” – he called, giving her light taps in her cheek – “What happened? Baby, wake up!” – he said with a worried and shaking voice.
The sound of an ambulance was approaching. She was still reaction less.
The doctor appeared.-“How is she, sir? What happened? What does she have?” – Rohan asked worried.
-“Well, she is ok now. She hit her head when she fainted, and we aren’t sure if her vomits are just derived from the pregnancy or if she has some more serious head trauma. We will keep her in observation tonight, but she can go home tomorrow. She said she had had a discussion before the faint and we believe that that’s what caused it. She can’t go through strong emotions during these months.You may see her now, if you want.”
Chapter 3
He was caught by her eyes as soon as he entered the room. He could see she was hurt, her eyes were like a mirror to her soul.He sat next to her in the bed and she automatically stepped a little from him.
-“Since when do you know?” – he started.
-“I found out this morning.” – she said, not looking at him.
-“Baby, I’m sorry! I was out of line, I didn’t mean what I said…” – he continued while he grabbed her hand.
She released her hand and went to the bathroom. He heard her, and then the flush. After a while she got out.
-“Are you ok?”
She returned to the bed without looking at him. With a pain in her heart, she said:
-“I need to rest. Please leave.”
-“Baby, I…”
-“Leave!” – She repeated, now with a louder and stronger voice.
Rohan sat in the hospital corridor. He replayed their discussion in his head. He couldn’t blame her; she had all the reasons to never want to see him again. He knew she was an escort before marrying her, she never hide it from him, and he had no right to throw that to her face now. Vibha wasn’t the kind of person who keeps resents. One didn’t even have to apologize, it was enough just showing regret and it would all be good again in seconds. This was a first in three years. He had clearly gone too far.
-“Brother? You look worried, I thought the doctor said Vibha was ok now…?!” – asked Rohan’s younger brother, interrupting his thoughts.
-“Oh, hi! Yes, she is. You can go inside if you want.”
Vibha was fighting hard with herself to control her emotions when sunshine entered her room:
-“Didi?”Vibha gave Chutki and Vivaan a big smile.
-“Hey sweeties!” – she exclaimed.
They both realized something was wrong between Vibha and Rohan as soon as they looked into her eyes.They talked for a while and they congratulated her for the baby. She smiled but looked even more sad.
-“Didi, is everything ok between you and Rohan? – She asked.
Vibha’s eyes filled with tears but she didn’t say anything. She hugged Chutki and waited until they left the room to allow the tears to shed.
It was night when Michelle appeared. How they had let her in and how she had known Vibha was in the hospital was a mystery.
-“Sweetie, I don’t know exactly what happened, but it isn’t hard for me to imagine, from what I was told. I guess how you must be feeling, but the truth is that you have two choices and what I want to tell you is this: Don’t let the shadows of your past ruin the life and the dream you built. Fight for what you achieved and make it work!”
Michelle hugged Vibha and watched her past through the gate and into the house before driving away.Vibha walked into the room darkened by the night and saw him standing in the balcony. He turned when they were just a few meters from each other and saw her.
-“Vibha…?” – he said with surprise and stepped in her direction.
Their eyes met and hers filled with tears again. The pregnancy was leaving her too emotional, she thought. She hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and said to her ear:
- “I’m sorry…”
-“I’m sorry too…”
He held a hand to support her face and said:
-“I love you…”
She lifted her hand to his face and caressed his cheek. And she kissed him.
Find the rest of the story at my other blog: http://historiasdamorgaine.blogspot.com/2009/06/vibha-and-rohan-three-years-later-1.html
sábado, 21 de fevereiro de 2009
The first two parts are of modupe who started the fic in http://z13.invisionfree.com/RanishekOnlineForums/index.php?showtopic=174x.php?showtopic=174
She hasn't written anything since 2007 and I gave it an ending, so the 3rd part is mine.
Pairing: Rani and Abhishek
Rating: +16
This is just fiction, ok? A fan fiction, don't freak out, and Rani and Abhishek, don't take it the wrong way, if you ever come across this, please! I repeat, it's just fiction, it's a story about two characters that were inspired on you - characters - it doesn't mean anything, it's just for fun.
Friends or Lovers ?... Part 1

Rani is finally getting a break well deserved after shooting 18 hours straight…. She is in New York working on her next movie Tara Rum Pum Pum. As she finally made it into her hotel room leaving all the noise on the sets, non stop make up and the continuous flirtation from Saif..She takes a deep breath as she collapsed on her king size bed fit for a queen. Her beautiful black hair with golden brown streaks lay beautifully on the pillow. She looks at her 24 karat titan ragan watch and could not believe it was midnight already. She sluggishly got up from her bed and undressed as she headed to the bathroom when she hears the voicemail alert on her cell phone that had been going off all day; "it is probably mama" she thought. She picks it up and started to play her messages; "Rani! it's papa ;just calling to say hello and mama sends her love" she smiles as she could also hear her mom's voice in the background screaming "we miss you" she turned on the bath faucet as she proceeded to listen to her next message; "hey Rani…."
She quickly turned off the faucet as her heart skipped uncountable beats; "it's abhi… just checking on you…hope you are doing alright;hope your hectic schedule is not wearing you out; hmmnnnnnnnnn; well I look forward to seeing you next week ….since my shoot is scheduled then. .. Miss ya bye" Rani smiled as she felt her body shiver while she replayed Abhi's message in her mind. She turns off her cell phone as she thought "who want's to listen to other messages after hearing a message like that" She quickly collected her self as she tied her bath robe tightly and stood in front of the bathroom mirror.. she whispered "why.why.why am I doing this to myself…you have already told him that you only want to be friends, so snap out of it" Rani sighed wishing that she could convince herself that she has no feelings for Abhi. She quickly turned on the faucet for her bath and watched her bubbles foam up… as she stared and concentrated deep enough so that she could get abhi of her mind for now.. She grabbed her scripts as she dissolved into the bath and disappeared into tomorrow's scenes.
To be Continued………

"Cut, Cut". This has been the comment of the day from director Siddharth Anand "saif ...we need to get this shot yaar". Rani squeaked as Saif looked more and more frustrated. "it most be all that staying up all night with your lady love" Rani said as she teased Saif since his girlfriend Rosa is in town... "oh stop Rani" Saif says as he whispered to her playfully " look who's here" Rani looked to the side and her heart skipped a beat as she took a quick nonchalant look at Abhi who has just arrived on the sets and is being greeted by everyone. "is that a blush I see Rani?" Saif teased Rani ... "Oh stop being silly". "it seems I am not the only one with love in town". "oh please Abhi is just a friend".. "yeah and I am a virgin"..saif whispered. Before Rani could even utter a response to saif..Siddharth came running back after welcoming Abhi screaming "action, action". It took a while but after 20 takes the scene was finally completed. As Rani walked towards her makeup chair ..she heard this thick masculine voice. that always made her blush "hey beautiful". She turned back as Abhi walked towards her to give her a warm hug..he always smelled good she thought as she also remembered how safe she feels in his hands "gosh Rani we need to get you some permanent hills..you make me feel like a giant". she laughed as she looked down her feet realizing that she took of her heels for some flat shoes as soon as she heard "cut". So how was your flight? ,Rani asked "not bad..I got a chance to sleep." The shooting for Umaroo Joon is officially complete he continued as he pulled the chair out for Rani and leaned against the wall. "Well good. I am sure the movie will do well. I am so happy for you". "So I hear about your steamy hot romance with Aditya" Abhi smiled as he teased Rani about tabloid stories that has been doing rounds in India about rani"s affair with movie producer Aditya Chopra. "Oh please..very funny..you can't even be friends with people and before you know it you are the reason for their divorce…..you are talking about me what about you Mr. hot shot.." "the sexiest man in India"…Abhi gave is best fake laugh as he shrugged thinking that Rani was going to ask him about Aish. Rani smiled as she kicked her self inside knowing that this would be the best time to question him about all the reported romance between him and Aish….which her friends has been driving her crazy with phone calls about.. "Mr. Bachchan are you ready for your touch up?" the make up artist called out …. "How about dinner tonight?" Abhi asked as he walked up for his touch up "sure why not" Rani said with a voice and a smile that can make any man fall in love.
After dinner Rani and Abhi went up to Rani's room. As they approached the door..Abhi said "well I don't want to keep you up too late since you have early morning shoot…" "no don't worry ..you can come in I am use to getting no sleep"..Abhi hesitated to go in as his mind flashed back to the last time he was alone in a room with Rani……………………………………….
It was a late shooting in New York during their last movie together KanK.. and everyone literally dragged with one eyes open to their hotel room. His room was next to Rani's room…Before he could drop on his bed he heard a soft knock and it was Rani….before he could even open the door fully she allowed herself in "I am too tired to sleep" "are you sleepy?" Rani asked as she carefully squeezed to the side of the bed and immediately turned on the TV…. "oh no not tonight ..you will not keep me up late by making me watch another girly movie" Abhi said as he grabbed the remote from Rani's hand. He carefully laid next to her on the bed as he grabbed the blanket underneath her.. "so tell me why can't you sleep….could it be because of the love scene shooting tomorrow.. with sharukh? ..you know how you always get nervous before shooting a love scene"…. "Oh my gosh you know me too well Abhi"…I don't know why I get like this before a love scene shoot..but you know what I don't get like this with you"…. "Abhi smiled as he moved closer to her.. "that's because we are practically married..I mean we have been married in all our movies so it is like second nature for me to make out with the queen bee of bollywood" "oh please Abhi" Rani said as she tried to hide her blushing face. Before she could even look back up she felt Abhi's hand softly and tenderly on her face as he sited up and used his other hand to pull her long brown tresses away from her face..at this time it was like everything stopped..Rani did not even utter a word as she looked up with her brown hazel eyes open wide staring at Abhi's deep black eyes.. he then took her right hand and softly kissed her palm as he placed her hand on his chest ..he was wearing his signature button less shirt …enabling Rani to feel the race of his heartbeat..she closed her eyes as their lips melt
ed into each other….they both then lost all their inhibitions as they moved closer, as he tenderly held Rani's face their tongue begin to dance to the rhythm of their heart beat..it was total heaven until their rhythm was interrupted with a voice "room service" Rani quickly tapped Abhi who did not even hear this voice.. "Abhi get there door". Abhi quickly got up to answer the door..by the time he turned around after explaining to room attendant that he did not request room service..rani has already got up and ready to leave…. "where are you going? Abhi asked as he held on to Rani's hand.. "you know we both need to get some sleep" Rani said "I love you Rani" Abhi whispered as Rani let go and walked towards the door" "oh please Abhi stop with your silliness" "I am not being silly..this thing between us is more than friendship and you know that"… "Abhi there is no need to complicate things..we have a great friendship..and plus with both of our hectic careers it will never work"….. "why won't it work…………..unless you can look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me". Rani kept her face towards the door as she said softly… "we have a great friendship Abhi and let's just leave it as that". …………..
"Abhi,Abhi let me have your jacket" Rani said as she yelled playfully to Abhi who appeared to be lost in some deep thoughts. "Well hopefully we will rap up shooting next week and I should be back in India next week ..Rani said as she hung Abhi's coat. "So when does the shooting for Guru start for you?".. Perhaps next month Abhi said… "So another movie with Aish …...Rani said as she sat on the bed next to Abhi…… Abhi quickly jumped in knowing this would be the best time to tell Rani about Aish… "I wanted to tell you myself" "Well news travels fast" Rani said as she felt her voice becoming shaky as she became tearful…. "Gosh Abhi…..I guess maybe you did not love me afterall?.. "Please don't say that Rani…I will always love you..Those words I said to you and the moment we shared is real to me..and no one said anything about love with Aish..I do like her and I enjoy her company".. "Please spare me the details"..rani said as she wiped her tears with her hand….. "well you moved on pretty fast"…. "Rani it has been months and you cut me off every time I tried to talk to you and you practically avoided me when we returned to India" "Gosh Abhi I needed time to absorb what happened…I guess I thought you would wait for me" "I am sorry Rani" "no don't be sorry..If you are happy with her..then you have to follow you heart..and as your friend I am happy for you" Rani said as she prepared to get up..Abhi grabbed a hold of her hand as he got up and gave a warm hug.. "you are the best" he whispered as they both held on tightly.
To Be Continued……………..Friends Or Lovers?
Well, I really liked your story and it seems like you're not going to finish it since the last time you updated it was in 2007... I hope you don't mind, but I imagined an ending, an alternative ending until you decide to continue it, ok?
" in Rani's room"
Abhi hugged her tightly, he had missed her very much the last mo
nths, she had avoided him after his declaration of love to her and made him feel like shit. He had moved on, he was dating this awesome woman and now Rani was bringing back again all those feeling he had for her. "I, I guess I thought you would wait for me". She loved him too. He felt she was playing with his feelings and that wasn't fair. They stepped back a little from each other, she looked up at him, she had tears in her eyes, maybe she was regretting her attitude towards him over the last months. He didn't know, but he knew he was in love with her still, but he also liked Aish, his heart was confused and he couldn't see Rani tearful, he raised a hand to clear one tear that had rolled to her check.Her heart was painful, she felt so angry with herself, why had she been so stupid, why did she let him go when she was in love with him too, how could she have been so selfish and then believe that somehow he would wait for her. She couldn't help regretting while looking into his big dark eyes. She felt his fingers touch her check, wiping out her tear, only if she could go back in time…-"I'm sorry."- was all she could pronounce. His eyes got wider. "I'm sorry for my selfishness, my egocentrism, my behavior, If I could go back in time…"
Her words were cut off by the pressure of his lips against hers, she responded to the kiss. It started off tender, slow, his hands rolled down her waist, while hers met behind his neck. Their heads changed angle, the kiss became more passionate, deeper. They moved closer to each other and against the wall. No single thought crossed both of their minds except the word desire. He pulled her up, her legs across his hips, his hand unbuttoning her shirt, while hers did the same. He pushed her on to the bed and took off the rest of his clothes.
Rani looked at his naked body who was now taking off her bottom clothes and realized how this would end, she couldn't stop it halfway, she didn't want to. She had never been in love with anyone else; if she had come too late, if she had lost him, at least she would have that night to remember, she thought, to comfort and convince her own mind of what she was doing. Abhi was now caressing her skin and kissing all her body, starting from bellow, she couldn't avoid releasing small sounds of pleasure.He took her bra, the last piece of cloth she had on and gently squeezed her breasts while licking, kissing and biting the nips. Her hands hold his head while he did this, showing in a way her incentive to carry on. He moved up to her neck, while their waists met and fit and she opened her legs to welcome his. Their lips met again in a passionate kiss, while his hands pressured hers along her head.
She couldn't help a small scream when he penetrated her. The pain was sudden and strangely mixed with pleasure; the feeling of him inside her couldn't be described in words while he came again and again. She was a virgin, he realized, the resistance when he penetrated her and why she wasn't moving like she would and the somehow painful scream couldn't mean anything else. The feeling of being the fist man in her life made him feel she was all his. "she must love me", he thought, she wouldn't wait so long, especially in the show business world, to "waist" it on me if she didn't have strong feelings for me. He felt his love and respect for her increase. His anger towards her selfishness was long gone.
The pleasure increased
greatly as they reached the orgasm at the same time. The contractions of her vagina made her feel him even more while it gave him more pleasure. They kissed again and after a while he got off from top of her and laid next to her. They automatically cuddled together, her head against his chest, their legs crossed, his arm holding hers on the top of his stomach and they fell asleep.
Abhi woke up first in the morning, he looked down at Rani's sleeping face and to her naked body and smiled remembering their night. He thought of Aishwarya and how he cheated her almost without thinking, and that had been very wrong. She was an amazing woman who cared for him and she didn't deserve what he had just done to her. He knew it would hurt her terribly but he would have to be honest with her and tell her the truth, all of it, and the sooner the better. If Rani was willing to give a chance to their love, he was too, he truly loved her, like he had never loved anyone before, that was clear to him now.
Rani woke up soon after Abhi and found herself cuddled in his arms, as they had fallen asleep. Reality hit her hard, as she remembered their night. She couldn't find the reasons for letting it happen. She had always had that conviction that most people her age find an overcome idea, that her first time would be with her husband after marriage or at least with a man she loved and had a strong and long relationship, a commitment that might or might not lead to marriage, but what they had would be serious. And what had she done? She had slept with Abhishek. They had a long history of friendship and she loved him more than she had ever loved any man, but what relationship did they have? Absolutely none, in fact he was dating another woman, whom he had said he liked…
She felt confused, guilty, used, disappointed with herself, with her personal life. How could she be friends with Abhi after this? Would he tell Aish what had happened between them? How would she take it? The two of them didn't get along already. Had this meant anything for Abhi?All this questions were piling up in her mind, she was thinking too much, she had to get out, she needed space, and she needed air. She sat and look at Abhi, his warm eyes looked into hers. He was smiling.
-"Good morning!" – he said.
-"Good morning" – she answered, while avoiding his gaze, looking down, involuntarily at his naked body. She felt a pain in her heart and missed air.
-"Abhi, I can't…I need to be alone…" – she got up and walked towards the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Her eyes filled with tears.
Abhishek didn't quite expect that reaction, he wanted to talk to her, he got up and looked at the bed. He saw the blood stain in the sheets. He imagined how she should be feeling. He couldn't leave her alone like she had asked; they had to clear up things right now.
-"Rani!" – He said while he knocked and opened the bathroom door. He saw her quickly wiping her tears, so he wouldn't see.He grabbed her waist and pushed her close to him. Her naked breasts were touching his chest at the rhythm of her nervous breath.
-"Abhi, please!"
-"I love you Rani! Always have, always will. I want to be with you. I want us to work. Will you give us a chance?
-"And Aish?" – She asked.
-"We didn't have anything serious. I'll end everything with her today!" – he smiled at Rani.
She gave him a big smile and hugged him tightly and they gave a long passionate kiss…
And they lived happily ever after. The end! lol
She hasn't written anything since 2007 and I gave it an ending, so the 3rd part is mine.
Pairing: Rani and Abhishek
Rating: +16
This is just fiction, ok? A fan fiction, don't freak out, and Rani and Abhishek, don't take it the wrong way, if you ever come across this, please! I repeat, it's just fiction, it's a story about two characters that were inspired on you - characters - it doesn't mean anything, it's just for fun.
Friends or Lovers ?... Part 1

Rani is finally getting a break well deserved after shooting 18 hours straight…. She is in New York working on her next movie Tara Rum Pum Pum. As she finally made it into her hotel room leaving all the noise on the sets, non stop make up and the continuous flirtation from Saif..She takes a deep breath as she collapsed on her king size bed fit for a queen. Her beautiful black hair with golden brown streaks lay beautifully on the pillow. She looks at her 24 karat titan ragan watch and could not believe it was midnight already. She sluggishly got up from her bed and undressed as she headed to the bathroom when she hears the voicemail alert on her cell phone that had been going off all day; "it is probably mama" she thought. She picks it up and started to play her messages; "Rani! it's papa ;just calling to say hello and mama sends her love" she smiles as she could also hear her mom's voice in the background screaming "we miss you" she turned on the bath faucet as she proceeded to listen to her next message; "hey Rani…."
She quickly turned off the faucet as her heart skipped uncountable beats; "it's abhi… just checking on you…hope you are doing alright;hope your hectic schedule is not wearing you out; hmmnnnnnnnnn; well I look forward to seeing you next week ….since my shoot is scheduled then. .. Miss ya bye" Rani smiled as she felt her body shiver while she replayed Abhi's message in her mind. She turns off her cell phone as she thought "who want's to listen to other messages after hearing a message like that" She quickly collected her self as she tied her bath robe tightly and stood in front of the bathroom mirror.. she whispered "why.why.why am I doing this to myself…you have already told him that you only want to be friends, so snap out of it" Rani sighed wishing that she could convince herself that she has no feelings for Abhi. She quickly turned on the faucet for her bath and watched her bubbles foam up… as she stared and concentrated deep enough so that she could get abhi of her mind for now.. She grabbed her scripts as she dissolved into the bath and disappeared into tomorrow's scenes.
To be Continued………

"Cut, Cut". This has been the comment of the day from director Siddharth Anand "saif ...we need to get this shot yaar". Rani squeaked as Saif looked more and more frustrated. "it most be all that staying up all night with your lady love" Rani said as she teased Saif since his girlfriend Rosa is in town... "oh stop Rani" Saif says as he whispered to her playfully " look who's here" Rani looked to the side and her heart skipped a beat as she took a quick nonchalant look at Abhi who has just arrived on the sets and is being greeted by everyone. "is that a blush I see Rani?" Saif teased Rani ... "Oh stop being silly". "it seems I am not the only one with love in town". "oh please Abhi is just a friend".. "yeah and I am a virgin"..saif whispered. Before Rani could even utter a response to saif..Siddharth came running back after welcoming Abhi screaming "action, action". It took a while but after 20 takes the scene was finally completed. As Rani walked towards her makeup chair ..she heard this thick masculine voice. that always made her blush "hey beautiful". She turned back as Abhi walked towards her to give her a warm hug..he always smelled good she thought as she also remembered how safe she feels in his hands "gosh Rani we need to get you some permanent hills..you make me feel like a giant". she laughed as she looked down her feet realizing that she took of her heels for some flat shoes as soon as she heard "cut". So how was your flight? ,Rani asked "not bad..I got a chance to sleep." The shooting for Umaroo Joon is officially complete he continued as he pulled the chair out for Rani and leaned against the wall. "Well good. I am sure the movie will do well. I am so happy for you". "So I hear about your steamy hot romance with Aditya" Abhi smiled as he teased Rani about tabloid stories that has been doing rounds in India about rani"s affair with movie producer Aditya Chopra. "Oh please..very funny..you can't even be friends with people and before you know it you are the reason for their divorce…..you are talking about me what about you Mr. hot shot.." "the sexiest man in India"…Abhi gave is best fake laugh as he shrugged thinking that Rani was going to ask him about Aish. Rani smiled as she kicked her self inside knowing that this would be the best time to question him about all the reported romance between him and Aish….which her friends has been driving her crazy with phone calls about.. "Mr. Bachchan are you ready for your touch up?" the make up artist called out …. "How about dinner tonight?" Abhi asked as he walked up for his touch up "sure why not" Rani said with a voice and a smile that can make any man fall in love.
After dinner Rani and Abhi went up to Rani's room. As they approached the door..Abhi said "well I don't want to keep you up too late since you have early morning shoot…" "no don't worry ..you can come in I am use to getting no sleep"..Abhi hesitated to go in as his mind flashed back to the last time he was alone in a room with Rani……………………………………….
It was a late shooting in New York during their last movie together KanK.. and everyone literally dragged with one eyes open to their hotel room. His room was next to Rani's room…Before he could drop on his bed he heard a soft knock and it was Rani….before he could even open the door fully she allowed herself in "I am too tired to sleep" "are you sleepy?" Rani asked as she carefully squeezed to the side of the bed and immediately turned on the TV…. "oh no not tonight ..you will not keep me up late by making me watch another girly movie" Abhi said as he grabbed the remote from Rani's hand. He carefully laid next to her on the bed as he grabbed the blanket underneath her.. "so tell me why can't you sleep….could it be because of the love scene shooting tomorrow.. with sharukh? ..you know how you always get nervous before shooting a love scene"…. "Oh my gosh you know me too well Abhi"…I don't know why I get like this before a love scene shoot..but you know what I don't get like this with you"…. "Abhi smiled as he moved closer to her.. "that's because we are practically married..I mean we have been married in all our movies so it is like second nature for me to make out with the queen bee of bollywood" "oh please Abhi" Rani said as she tried to hide her blushing face. Before she could even look back up she felt Abhi's hand softly and tenderly on her face as he sited up and used his other hand to pull her long brown tresses away from her face..at this time it was like everything stopped..Rani did not even utter a word as she looked up with her brown hazel eyes open wide staring at Abhi's deep black eyes.. he then took her right hand and softly kissed her palm as he placed her hand on his chest ..he was wearing his signature button less shirt …enabling Rani to feel the race of his heartbeat..she closed her eyes as their lips melt

"Abhi,Abhi let me have your jacket" Rani said as she yelled playfully to Abhi who appeared to be lost in some deep thoughts. "Well hopefully we will rap up shooting next week and I should be back in India next week ..Rani said as she hung Abhi's coat. "So when does the shooting for Guru start for you?".. Perhaps next month Abhi said… "So another movie with Aish …...Rani said as she sat on the bed next to Abhi…… Abhi quickly jumped in knowing this would be the best time to tell Rani about Aish… "I wanted to tell you myself" "Well news travels fast" Rani said as she felt her voice becoming shaky as she became tearful…. "Gosh Abhi…..I guess maybe you did not love me afterall?.. "Please don't say that Rani…I will always love you..Those words I said to you and the moment we shared is real to me..and no one said anything about love with Aish..I do like her and I enjoy her company".. "Please spare me the details"..rani said as she wiped her tears with her hand….. "well you moved on pretty fast"…. "Rani it has been months and you cut me off every time I tried to talk to you and you practically avoided me when we returned to India" "Gosh Abhi I needed time to absorb what happened…I guess I thought you would wait for me" "I am sorry Rani" "no don't be sorry..If you are happy with her..then you have to follow you heart..and as your friend I am happy for you" Rani said as she prepared to get up..Abhi grabbed a hold of her hand as he got up and gave a warm hug.. "you are the best" he whispered as they both held on tightly.
To Be Continued……………..Friends Or Lovers?
Well, I really liked your story and it seems like you're not going to finish it since the last time you updated it was in 2007... I hope you don't mind, but I imagined an ending, an alternative ending until you decide to continue it, ok?
" in Rani's room"
Abhi hugged her tightly, he had missed her very much the last mo

Her words were cut off by the pressure of his lips against hers, she responded to the kiss. It started off tender, slow, his hands rolled down her waist, while hers met behind his neck. Their heads changed angle, the kiss became more passionate, deeper. They moved closer to each other and against the wall. No single thought crossed both of their minds except the word desire. He pulled her up, her legs across his hips, his hand unbuttoning her shirt, while hers did the same. He pushed her on to the bed and took off the rest of his clothes.
Rani looked at his naked body who was now taking off her bottom clothes and realized how this would end, she couldn't stop it halfway, she didn't want to. She had never been in love with anyone else; if she had come too late, if she had lost him, at least she would have that night to remember, she thought, to comfort and convince her own mind of what she was doing. Abhi was now caressing her skin and kissing all her body, starting from bellow, she couldn't avoid releasing small sounds of pleasure.He took her bra, the last piece of cloth she had on and gently squeezed her breasts while licking, kissing and biting the nips. Her hands hold his head while he did this, showing in a way her incentive to carry on. He moved up to her neck, while their waists met and fit and she opened her legs to welcome his. Their lips met again in a passionate kiss, while his hands pressured hers along her head.
She couldn't help a small scream when he penetrated her. The pain was sudden and strangely mixed with pleasure; the feeling of him inside her couldn't be described in words while he came again and again. She was a virgin, he realized, the resistance when he penetrated her and why she wasn't moving like she would and the somehow painful scream couldn't mean anything else. The feeling of being the fist man in her life made him feel she was all his. "she must love me", he thought, she wouldn't wait so long, especially in the show business world, to "waist" it on me if she didn't have strong feelings for me. He felt his love and respect for her increase. His anger towards her selfishness was long gone.
The pleasure increased

Abhi woke up first in the morning, he looked down at Rani's sleeping face and to her naked body and smiled remembering their night. He thought of Aishwarya and how he cheated her almost without thinking, and that had been very wrong. She was an amazing woman who cared for him and she didn't deserve what he had just done to her. He knew it would hurt her terribly but he would have to be honest with her and tell her the truth, all of it, and the sooner the better. If Rani was willing to give a chance to their love, he was too, he truly loved her, like he had never loved anyone before, that was clear to him now.
Rani woke up soon after Abhi and found herself cuddled in his arms, as they had fallen asleep. Reality hit her hard, as she remembered their night. She couldn't find the reasons for letting it happen. She had always had that conviction that most people her age find an overcome idea, that her first time would be with her husband after marriage or at least with a man she loved and had a strong and long relationship, a commitment that might or might not lead to marriage, but what they had would be serious. And what had she done? She had slept with Abhishek. They had a long history of friendship and she loved him more than she had ever loved any man, but what relationship did they have? Absolutely none, in fact he was dating another woman, whom he had said he liked…
She felt confused, guilty, used, disappointed with herself, with her personal life. How could she be friends with Abhi after this? Would he tell Aish what had happened between them? How would she take it? The two of them didn't get along already. Had this meant anything for Abhi?All this questions were piling up in her mind, she was thinking too much, she had to get out, she needed space, and she needed air. She sat and look at Abhi, his warm eyes looked into hers. He was smiling.
-"Good morning!" – he said.
-"Good morning" – she answered, while avoiding his gaze, looking down, involuntarily at his naked body. She felt a pain in her heart and missed air.
-"Abhi, I can't…I need to be alone…" – she got up and walked towards the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Her eyes filled with tears.
Abhishek didn't quite expect that reaction, he wanted to talk to her, he got up and looked at the bed. He saw the blood stain in the sheets. He imagined how she should be feeling. He couldn't leave her alone like she had asked; they had to clear up things right now.
-"Rani!" – He said while he knocked and opened the bathroom door. He saw her quickly wiping her tears, so he wouldn't see.He grabbed her waist and pushed her close to him. Her naked breasts were touching his chest at the rhythm of her nervous breath.
-"Abhi, please!"
-"I love you Rani! Always have, always will. I want to be with you. I want us to work. Will you give us a chance?
-"And Aish?" – She asked.
-"We didn't have anything serious. I'll end everything with her today!" – he smiled at Rani.
She gave him a big smile and hugged him tightly and they gave a long passionate kiss…
And they lived happily ever after. The end! lol
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