quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

hey everyone! i'm back! (almost)

I've been a very bad blogger for a very long time now, i apologize for that.
in my defence i had a long battle with universities and well.. it wore me out! actually not only me, but my whole family.
Enfin, after months and months here i am at university.
because i was a bit late n all the problems , i had another set of problems ahead of me.

now everything seems to be alright.. just that i have so much work,with so many places to go everyday, so many things to be bought - and most horrendously, without a laptop!

Since it is a rule here that i have to check my college email once a day, at least, I've had to go to the libraries n stuff.. n I've spent an average of 1.5 hr just checking emails and replying to them everyday!
it's nuts!

there are so many misconceptions and general curiosity about the life of an Oxford student. so here i will try to give you an insight of how it is.

observation 1: You either live comfortably, managing your work food and parties, hence living in this bubble. just to give you an idea, i have not heard of any international news since the past 3 weeks ( and i used to read the newspaper everyday)

Or you join these clubs, try to make the maximum of your life as a student of such a reputed university - and you hardly sleep and are overworked with many sandwiches and crisps as meals.

Right now I prefer to be in category 2, but i don't know how long this is going to last1
i have joined too many societies and clubs, and sadly most are science based!!
I seriously need to diversify...

Have I mentioned I was matriculated this Saturday?2 guys spoke a line in Latin each and that was about it.. but the Sheldonian Theatre is quite nice.. and the uniforms are not as bad as I thought.. although i must say, they are NOT warm!

Oh Curious fact: when getting matriculated as undergraduates, guys cannot wear their cap inside the Sheldonian theatre, but girls can.

Well, my friends and I are going to some play today (friend's idea). I really hope it's good because I'm missing a since society lecture for it... so I must go.
More insights to come as soon as I can lay my hands on a pc when I'm not going mad with ridiculous amounts of email (in short it'll be at least a week)

I shall go. Take care and enjoy!

hope u enjoyed this. till next time,

PS:For some photos of my life there, check my facebook account.. i will try to put up some pics here once i get a laptop.

1 comentário:

Morgaine disse...

Ainda bem que te estás a adaptar e a gostar ;)
E que tal o curso?
Uniformes assim tipo traje que só usas de vez em quando em determinadas ocasiões, certo?