sábado, 20 de dezembro de 2008


I recently found a powerpoint, probably from a fporwarded email that i found interesting, particularly because of my frustration about my life. Here it is:

We convince ourselves that life will be better once we are married, have a baby, then another.

Then we get frustrated because our children are not old enough, and that all will be well when they are older.

Then we are frustrated because they reach adolescence and we must deal with them. Surely we’ll be happier when they grow out of the teen years.

We tell ourselves our life will be better when our spouse gets his/her act together, when we have a nicer car, when we can take a vacation, when we finally retire.

The truth is that there is no better time to be happy than right now.
If not, then when?
Your life will always be full of challenges. It is better to admit as much and to decide to be happy in spite of it all.

For the longest time, it seemed that life was about to start. Real life.
But there was always some obstacle along the way, an ordeal to get through, some work to be finished, some time to be given, a bill to be paid. Then life would start.
I finally came to understand that those obstacles were life.

That point of view helped me see that there isn’t any road to happiness.
Happiness IS the road.

So, enjoy every moment.
Stop waiting for school to end, for a return to school, to lose ten pounds, to gain ten pounds, for work to begin, to get married, for Friday evening, for Sunday morning, waiting for a new car, for your mortgage to be paid off, for spring, for summer, for fall, for winter, for the first or the fifteenth of the month, for your song to be played on the radio, to die, to be reborn… before deciding to be happy.

Happiness is a voyage, not a destination.

There is no better time to be happy than… NOW!
Live and enjoy the moment.
-Author unknown
Now, think and try to answer these questions: 1 – Name the 5 richest people in the world.2 – Name the last 5 Miss Universe winners.3 – Name the last 10 Nobel Prize winners.4 – Name the last 10 winners of the Best Actor Oscar

Can’t do it? Rather difficult, isn’t it?
Don’t worry, nobody remembers that.
Applause dies away!
Trophies gather dust!
Winners are soon forgotten.

Now answer these questions:
1 – Name 3 teachers who contributed to your education.
2 – Name 3 friends who helped you in your hour of need.3 – Think of a few people who made you feel special.4 – Name 5 people that you like to spend time with.

More manageable? It’s easier, isn’t it?
The people who mean something to your life are not rated “the best”, don’t have the most money, haven’t won the greatest prizes…
They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by.

Some time ago, at the Seattle Olympics, nine athletes, all mentally or physically challenged, were standing on the start line for the 100 m race.
The gun fired and the race began. Not everyone was running, but everyone wanted to participate and win.

They ran in threes, a boy tripped and fell, did a few somersaults and started crying.
The other eight heard him crying.
They slowed down and looked behind them.
They stopped and came back… All of them…

A girl with Down’s Syndrome sat down next to him, hugged him and asked, “Feeling better now?”Then, all nine walked shoulder to shoulder to the finish line.

The whole crowd stood up and applauded. And the applause lasted a very long time…

Because deep down inside us, we all know that the most important thing in life is much more than winning for ourselves.

The most important thing in this life is to help others to win. Even if that means slowing down and changing our own race.

12 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Morgaine a Anjali é espantosa!Acho k nunca li um texto tão bonito.Ela disse tudo, temos de ser felizes já, agora, neste instante, ñ podemos pensar k só o seremos se conseguirmos conquistar algo, temos de viver o presente, aproveitar cada momento, com akeles k são importantes para nós.
Achei lindo o k aconteceu em Seattle, devis ser sempre assim ñ era...Akela frase "ñ existe um caminho pra felicidade, ela é um caminho", já a tnha lido, ñ sei se sabes mas é de Buda.Diz td ñ é?Por isso preocupações à parte(exames, etc), ñ nos podemos eskecer do mais importante: as bolas de golf,loool(esta é pra Yo, ela explica-te o k significa;) ).Bjh

Anónimo disse...

"devia" e ñ devis
desculpem lá o erro ortográfico :P

Anónimo disse...


Concordo com a primeira parte, e quando a nossa vida não está a tomar o rumo que desejaríamos, e enquanto não a conseguimos meter no rumo certo, acho que é importante lembrar-mo-nos que o tempo para sermos felizes é agora, e não quando atingirmos os nossos objectivos de vida, se é que alguma vez os iremos atingir.

Quanto à segunda parte, é muito bonita, mas a verdade é que a vida não funciona assim, especialmente em sociedades e situações competitivas, e aí ou se ganha ou se perde, e se não lutamos pelo que queremos porque ficamos a olhar para trás, ficamos pelo caminho. É a minha opinião.


Anónimo disse...

Uma coisa que não tem nada a ver. Já saíram os semi-finalistas dos prémios do Super Bock. O nosso blogue não está incluído, mas eu fui ver os da categoria pessoal que estão na lista. Na minha mais sincera e imparcial opinião: O nosso é MUITO melhor!!! (do que qualquer um deles). Acho mesmo!


Anónimo disse...

O texto está mesmo muito bonito...

Temos mesmo é de ser felizes agora porque não sabemos nada em relação ao futuro!


Anjali disse...

i agree with morgaine completely!

oh n thnks maria, but as i said i didn't write tht, just copy pasted!!
i had read the maxim somewhere but didn't know it was Budha, thnks! ;)

i'm glad the blog brought about a moment of reflection :)

oh about the awards, its ok, i think our blog rocks, n tht's all it matters!!
but for the record,next year we r going to create a massive campaign so that we win!;)

n guess wht? i google 'mensagem blog anjali' and our blog was the second site!! n tht's says something!! :D
try googling yourself! ;)

Anónimo disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Anónimo disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Anónimo disse...

Beautiful, Anjali! Just beautiful!

This post really got me thinking about life. About my expectations.
And, most of all, about how I live life!
And I feel I've been waiting too much, just like the text says. Even in a smaller level, like days in a week, I can't be waiting for the week to end.

I'll try harder, from now on, to enjoy every second of this little life.

But as Morgaine said, although it's a beautiful point of view, that "slowing down to help other win too" think. And although that should be the way any person would behave, Morgaine is right: that doesn't work quite well on our society.

On our society, although it may seem like a really nasty think to say, it's really the law of "kill or be killed".
Either you jump in life with all your will and strength, and make every chance count to be the best in what you do... Or you'll be screwed!

I hate this. I do not approve this way of acting. I even try to make otherwise... And I often get stepped over for that.
But well... It's just my nature.

I think it's even quite ironic that a society that makes such a great deal out of Christmas (supposedly, the celebration of the birth of Christ, the Messiah), doesn't give a sh*t about Christ's teachings.

All people want to know about Christmas is gifts, money, gifts and more money... Oh, and of course, the old Coca-Cola marketing success that took over the spotlight that should be Christ's!

Anyway... One once said that we live in a rotten society. These are the things that most show us how it stinks.

But let's celebrate Christmas anyway. Just celebrate it as Jesus' birth, not a time to just buy, buy and buy, and act like we give a damn about others... Let's start to really give a damn about more than ourselves... At least about our family!

Well... Just needed to take this out of me... And this post really got me in the mood. lol

Stay cool, girls!
Lots of kisses!
Peace ;p

Anjali disse...

thnks Lion! for a second, i evn thought u were calling me beautiful!;P sorry, justt beeing cheeky!lol

i think morgaine is right, but u don't need to be competitive all the time... i guess if u take an hour everyday where it's not all abt winning, u'll feel so much better abt urself...

i think christmas is more about sharing,love, feeling blessed...
Christmas has become very comercialized, but the same is with all occasions, everywhere in the world!!
i think it's so nice when a family decides to make the christmas dinner together... i think spending time with the ones we love is what christmas should be about.
N of course, doing something for those in difficulty (read homeless,etc)

Anónimo disse...

Well, Anjali... This time I was not calling you beautiful.
But that doesn't mean I wouldn't, because it would be no lie.

Now, apart from the flirting, I have one correction to make (to my own previous comment):

In lines 12 and 16, where it's written "think", I obviously meant "thing".

Of course we should try to live less selfishly. I agree with that in absolute!
But what I think Morgaine said, and what I said too, was that although that's the right way to be, it's often not the smartest, given the society we live in.

Because if we want to be "somebody", we need go and fight for it. Often even fight against others...
Most people today will step on you if they get the chance. It's not at all an altruist society, that in which we live.

Of course, if you can be successful and accomplish your dreams, and still have a more caring and helping way of living, that's perfect!
It's just hard to keep it up all your life.

About Christmas: Yes! It should be a time to love, to care, to be with those we most love.
But it's now more like a time to lie to children, give them everything they want and more. And, by the end of the day, blaming the kid's bad education on teachers, video games, TV shows, music and movies... Never on the parents.

Of course kids deserve a magical Christmas. But they can have that if you get them one present they really like and fill the rest of the space with lots of love and, more importantly nowadays, lots of attention!

I wouldn't go straight for homeless and other extremely poor people.
I think that, if we're going to start caring about anyone else but us, we need to start from the beginning, and care about our so called "loved ones". Because most of the time, as pretty as it may sound referring to them as our "loved ones", we don't really show them how much they are important to us. We don't pay them the attention they deserve as our "loved ones".

On the same logic that says that only when we love ourselves are we ready to love others, we could say that only when we love our family and close friends are we ready to go to the next level and start loving the unknown "other".

Only then should we honestly try to give our love and attention to people like homeless and other people in situations of extreme poverty and hunger.

That's what I think. Help other people, sure. But try to care more about your family and friends first. Think about it and really measure if you've been showing them how much they mean to you and if you've been paying them the attention they deserve.

By the way, Merry Christmas, girls!
And lets let my wish of happiness and accomplishment of your dreams be my gift to you.

Stay cool, chicnki critic!
Lots of kisses!
Peace ;p

Anjali disse...

nver mind wht i say ppl, i'v been delirious d past few days!

i don not want to give opnions on christmas because the fact is that i'v never had one...