sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2008

'life-time' dillemas

What and why would you choose:

chocolate or coffee?

day or night?

winter or summer?

chinese or italian food?

a proper computer or laptop?

short or long hair?

Venus or Mars?

8 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

I know what would I choose but I don't know why!

Chocolate of coffee? CHOCOLATE although I really like coffee too.

Day or Night? This one I don't know, really. I like both equally!

Winter or Summer? Definetely Summer, I hate the cold and the rain and summer is the time of sun, beaches, holidays...everything good is in summer!

Chinese of Italian Food? Besides the portugues food, my second favorite is italian, so Italian!Gotta like pasta and pizza!

A proper computer or laptot? Why not both? LOL Hard choise...I have both but usually I use the proper computer so maybe this one!

Short or Long hair? This one depends on who's with the hair...for me I prefer long hair but there's a lot of people that look great with short hair!

Venus or Mars? I don't know...maybe Venus because it's closer to the sun!


mfc disse...

I would choose.... life!

Anónimo disse...

Hey, chickni critic!

Some nice questions you have there. Hard ones too.

Let's start with the beginning:

For the first one, I'd have to say: Definitely chocolate!
The thing is... I hate coffee. It tastes awful!
On the other hand, since I'm studying at ETIC, I've been learning, not to like, but to consume coffee for it's energising and awaking powers.
(Sometimes we get really long days. In fact, I'm currently on one that lasts since yesterday at 7 am.)

Day or night?! Now that's a though one!
Day is good if you think about the sun and all (although it doesn't mean it's hot, so... we'll get there).

I would say night for just a couple of reasons:

- I have proven myself that I work way better and I am much more productive at night than I am during the day (don't ask me why).

- And as a second reason, night has this magical feeling, usually.
Maybe because of it's darkness, it lets our imagination fly like the day can never do.

I don't even need to think on this 3rd one: Summer!
It's hot, you get to wear whatever you want and walk around at home in the way you want.
You have the beach, the going out much more often, with friends...
Girls get to wear much more freely too (this is my jerk side talking loud).
Oh... And less colds, flus, etc.

Difficult one! I like both Chinese and Italian. Maybe I'd go for the Chinese because I don't eat it so often (so, more desire of eating :p).

If the proper computer is an iMac, I wont think twice! But if the laptop is a Mac Book Pro... Hum...
As I only have (the only one that is mine) a desktop computer (an iMac, that I absolutely love!), I'd say "laptop"!
I lack that lot's of times to go from my dad's to my mom's and still be able to work properly.

I like to see girls in long hair. specially long, straight, dark hair.
As for me, I prefer short (my mom disagrees a lot). But specially because it's less trouble and no work in the morning, to get it in place.

About the last one: Depends.

If you're talking about the planets, I like Venus because it's bigger.
But if it was to live in... Well, none... But Mars, more likely, despite being cold.
I like hot weather, but rounding the 500º is a bit too much. (not considering other bad stuff)

But, if you're talking about mythology, then I'd surely go for Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, although Mars seems kind of cool, being the patron god of Sparta... Such a fascinating state-city, back in History and for it's mythology too.

I'm sorry... Got a little carried away. Kind of long comment.

Anyway... Stay cool, girls!
Lots of kisses!
Peace ;p

Anónimo disse...

Fácil, muito fácil!
Um computador a sério,


Anónimo disse...

Esqueci-me do "why"

Não gosto de café,

Não gosto muito da noite, prefiro mil vezes o dia e a luz!

Sou demasiado friorenta, e eu já morro de frio em Lisboa que é perto do mar e onde não neva. Imaginem-me no meio de um Inverno a sério, brrr!

Italiana, porque a Chinesa só posso comer muito esporádicamente, senão enjoo completamente;

Um computador a sério é muito mais cómodo, o teclado é maior, os ecrãs também tendem a ser maiores, e os ratos, são ratos a sério!

O cabelo comprido quando cuidado, é muito bonito, e curto não fica bem a toda a gente (embora seja + prático);

Quanto aos planetas, não sei bem o que é que querias saber comessa pergunta!


Anjali disse...

oh i love to read all this answers!
this blog was more will a social/psicological experiment, kinda like the black knight (nothing to fear though, i'm incapable of hurting any1!)

the last question was to see wht people understood from it - u can see how different minds understood different things!
well, lion understood it more than 1 way! :O :D

LOL to mfc!!

my answers?
-chocolate -ANYDAY, i simply hate coffee, its too bitter

-night - anyday (or night) , i'm a simply a night's person + i'm completly fed up of the sun, i think u guys can understand why!

-chinese - i've just had enough italian food for a year, at least. n i can't stand pizzas now, specially the supper cheesy, super thick 'pizza-hut' types!

- laptop , simply because i'v never had one and i long for that convenience. i want to be able to check my email - and the blog, of course- from the comfort of my bed!

- in this one i agree with morgaine, except the practicality thing. i mean it depends, i mean i hv quite short hair now and it frives me crazy because it's long enough to cover my face, but not long enough to tie it up!

- well the last one ... i don't know myself, but mythologically, i'd go for Venus i guess, planet-wise ... maybe mercury because there's actually water there, but'm not sure abt the answers for this question..

Anjali disse...

*these answers
srry, wrong spelling!

Anónimo disse...

Well, I chose...

Coffee because I don't like chocolate

Night...everything can happen...

Summer because I hate the cold

Italian food because I hate chinese food.

Laptop, it's more practical

Long hair, i really don't know

Vénus, the same thing