As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.Albert Einstein
Till what extent if increasing your knowledge benefitial?
Many a times i have the feeling that it's better to know less but use the knowledge we have to better the society/world or evn just someone's life.
For example: think of those current affairs know-it-alls. how is knowing the date of birth of the current president of Japan, help people in anyway??
Is our society becoming obssessed with the accumulation of knowledge, rather than understanding and finding practical uses of this knowledge?
Is this obssession being detrimental to society?
Take those quizz shows, they hv further increased this obssession. And what is its use?what do these people specializing in winning competitions do?they might b famous for a while, but their doings leave a mark in the world?did they bring any benefitial change?
global warming, another big topic .
Scientists have been screaming it loud for at least the past 20 years. Politics and big corporates created the confusion of whether it exists or not, and consequently postphoned the blamings on them till now.
Even though the effects are noticible to any human beeing, there is still denial and redunctancy to change habits and solve the problem.
Who's to blame?
'Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.'