quinta-feira, 26 de abril de 2007

Words of wisdom

Like books,there are some words of wisdom which are very interesting n very useful.here are some:
'Life is like a wave:with ups and downs.only if u hit a low will you hit a new 'high'.so don't ever wish for life to be different.'

'What comes around goes around'-Justin Timberlake.
Maybe the song is about unfaithfullness,but this saying can b used for life in general,as well.If something unfair has happened to you,in the end there will b justice.So Morgaine,have patience!:P

'Natural stupidity is better than artificial intelligence'
How many times have you seen a person who acts very smart n tries to resolve a 'stupid' person's problem?in the end he/she didn't solve it,but just made matters more complicated.

'don't do to others what you wouldn't like others doing to you'
This one does not need much explanation...

'Everyone is in the gutter, but only some are looking at the stars'
Keep hope people!All yor problems will be solved!

'Humans are complex complicated.If you try to understand them n their lives,you'll lose ureself n ur life'

I can't remember more...Please continue the list,in any language you want-engish,portuguese,french,hindi,...

Tc n Hf
N i like ur 'words of wisdom' too! ;)
Here are some more:
'O coracao tem razoes que a razao desconhece'-it's similar to Honoré de Balzac's,but i like the contrast created, it makes the sentence more striking =P

'Cristo e a resposta a interrogacao total do homem' - Ranher
It's so true.if science can't explain a thing,it's immideatley seen as a miracle,a work of god.I'm not sayin that god does not exist,but tht this i very common,even before the birth of christianism.

'O ateismo e uma coisa instintiva em mim... Se exixtem deuses,como suportaria eu nao ser deus?'-Nietzsch
I really like this one.it is about human behaviour!( no offense to any ateist,i myself,don't considermyself exactly religous,but mainly spiritual)

'What is luck,my friend?It is nothing more than the marriage of preparation with opportunity'-Robin S. Sharma
Very true!that's all i can say...

PS: Sorry for not puttng any 'accentos',but the keyboards here don't dupport them! :(

30/04/07 aqui estão + algumas:

"O valor das coisas não está no tempo que elas duram, mas na intensidade com que acontecem"

"Tempo é dinheiro e asneira é prejuízo"

"A paixão na verdade é uma ilusão, você não se apaixona pelo que o outro é, mas sim pelo que imagina do outro"

"Vale a pena viver, vale a pena esperar e jamais desesperar" testemony pg

"I guess reality is what you make of her" by Bender in Futurama

"Não troco convicções por conveniências" By Marques Mendes, PSD sobre a questão do aborto

"Temos uma boca e dois ouvidos, o que significa que devemos ouvir o dobro do que falamos"

"Não deixo que seja o outro a definir o meu comportamento" Prof. Paulo Vaz

"Sempre que o Homem sonha, o Mundo pula e avança como uma bola nas mãos duma criança" - Pedra Filosofal, António Gedeão

"Eu só acho que a arte pode e deve transformar as pessoas" By Renato pg

"Que seja eterno enquanto dure"

"Somos actores da nossa história" by Maristas 2007

"Nós somos pequenos diante da vida e diante do Mundo" testemony pg

"Sou especial, porque sou feliz..." pg

"...o que se exige aos pais adoptivos e o que não se exige aos pais biológicos" by Inês Pedrosa sobre a dificuldade em adoptar uma criança em Portugal

"A vida é uma viagem, há o rio e há a margem. Onde quer estar? in anúncio da Optimus

"A vida és tu que a fazes" in anúncio Coca-Cola

"Our commitements reflect our passions" GANT

"Not Knowing your history it's like to stay forever a child" in "O Clube do Imperador"

"Não é um momento isolado na vida de uma pessoa que determina o que ela é"

"Life is the greatest teacher. Too bad it kills all of its students"

até punha mais, mas não se enquadra muito aqui, são mais frases engraçadas do que propriamente "Words of Wisdom"


Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty. -Stephen King

We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. - Wiston Churchill

The trust of the innocent is the liar's most useful tool. -Stephen King

Each life makes its own immitation of immortality.-Stephen King

The really valuable thing in the pageant of human life seems to me not the State but the creative, sentient individual, the personality...-Albert Einstein

8 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Houdy again!

The more you girls post something here, the more I like this blog... And I'm not saying this just to be nice! I don't like to say nice things only to be nice... If the things I say are nice, it's just because the facts give them that niceness. (my words :p)

Well, when it comes to "words of wisdom", there are some wise men that we have to consider, like Einstein, Oscar Wilde, Friedrich Nietzsche or Honoré de Balzac. Some of these men are not the conventional wise men... But their wisdom can be as interesting as basic.

For example:

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere"
(Albert Einstein)
This is one of my favourite (my many favourite...) quotes. Einstein gives us a basic image of how important our imagination and our criativity is. Throughout history, many men have made the difference, not thanks to their knowledge in cience, but thanks to their inovating minds.

"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much" (Oscar Wilde)
I know, I know... I sound obsessed with Oscar Wilde. But read their books, people, and you'll give me reason.

"Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes" (Friedrich Nietzsche)
People who really have friends (not the people who thinks they have a lot of friends, but the ones who know they have a few) know this is true.

"Nobody loves a woman because she is handsome or ugly, stupid or intelligent. We love because we love" (Honoré de Balzac)
This time, who ever loved, knows we can't find reasons to love.

Stay cool, people!
Peace ;p

PS: "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months" (Oscar Wilde)

Anónimo disse...

Houdy, once again!

Interesting to see how, decades ago, men came to the knowledge that love is not something racional, and that you can't explain your feelings but, even today, that is a common thing... Asking people why they love this or that person.
And nobody says "Why would you think I know that?! Nobody knows!"...
No. We say: "Because of her eyes, her smile and her humor sense."
Bullshit! Tell the truth, people!
Nobody knows that kind of stuff... So, stop asking... And stop lying.
If someone really know why they "love" someone, that's only because they don't really love her/him.

Stay cool, girls!
Keep up the good work!
Big kisses (have to translate everything :p)************
Peace ;p

Anónimo disse...

I disagree on tht.there r many perspective of seeing somethin. one is the 'romantic',ideological way,trying to celebrate the complex,deep feelings of love by not trying to explain it and thus, making it evn more priceless.
Another perspective is the scientific perspective(more of my kind of perspective!) which is founded on the belief that everything has reason,even if it is difficult,i think it's not impossible to know to what you are attracted to most.(thought, it should b most importantly, the personality/charisma)
Tcn Hf.

Anónimo disse...

Scientifically speaking, (I have a post about this in my blog) we can surelly find a reason to BE ATTRACTED to someone. In my post, in Bullions, I speak more preciselly about the so called "love at first seeing" (a rushy translation for "amor à primeira vista" :p). That, I think, is no more than physical attraction.
In that way, you can tell what ATTRACTS you in someone, but I don't think that would be his/her personality, but the body. That is the first thing you allways notice about someone. It's not unsensitive to say that the sex appeal is one of the most important factors in getting "in love", it's only a racional way of putting it.

On the other hand, you can't deny that, after getting to know the person and allready captivated by his/her smile, eyes or simply the body, there can be something almost impossible to explain... (at least for the common people. maybe scientists have figgered it out basing their researches on brain signs or something).

But in the end, the person "in love" can't accuratelly tell what makes him/her feel so "crazy" about someone.

I'm going to use me as an example. Since I was 13, I've been complitelly owned by a girl who didn't want anything to do with me besides the friendship. Notice that I'm allready 18 and still, when I see her, my heart starts beating so fast that if it was a car I would crash in the first corner.
I know there are even more beatifull girls than her (she's stunning, but I understand there are other beutifull girls between my friends and known people)...
I know there are lots of interesting girls around (and by interesting I mean inteligent, funny, caring, etc.)...
I'm aware that the only thing I'm going to get from her (besides a great friendship), if I keep "obcessed" with her like this, is hurt...

Still... I can't help it to feel like that when I'm with her, and I trully can't say why...
I just know I do, and try to deal with it without letting it get in the way of my friendship with her.

And believe me, if I could explain and I could see her just as a friend, it would be so much easier!

Love problems... :p
Stay cool, girls!... Big kisses!
Peace ;p

Anónimo disse...

Hola people!
Eu aqui estou de acordo com o Lion. É verdade que nos podemos sentir atraídos por alguém por inúmeros aspectos, físicos, personalidade, etc, mas não é isso que faz com que estejamos apaixonados, até porque, à excepção da parte física é por gostarmos da personalidade que nos tornamos amigos uns dos outros.
Quando existe amor e paixão de verdade, aquela química, os arrepios, o bater do coração, não dá para explicar, não se percebe porquê, simplesmente gosta-se, ama-se, sofre-se e pronto.

Anónimo disse...

Lion, há 5 anos apaixonado pela mesma raparida, wow! Uma paixão forte como essa, é uma pena não ser correspondida, pode ser que um dia até venha a ser, se não, espero que encontres a verdadeira the one num futuro próximo que te faça partir para outra e aí desejo-te a maior sorte do Mundo, sem dúvida que mereces ;)
Gros bissou***

Anónimo disse...

Concordo plenamente com o que disse a minha amiga Morgaine...nós podemos sentir-nos atraídas por alguém pelo sorriso, pelo corpo, pela personalidade e até pela voz...mas não é isso que nos faz sentir amor por alguém, isso acho que é inexplicável.

Adoro este blog amigas


Anónimo disse...


Voltando agora ao português...

Pois é, Morgaine...
5 years and counting...
Digamos que me bateram com força...
Em bom e bonito "português de rua", o Cupido não me terá acertado com uma flecha, mas antes com uma marretada nos cornos (ou "corninhos", para não soar tão mal :p)!
Já agora, marretada essa que ainda hoje tenho intenção de devolver, quando algum dia vir esse lendário e romano imbecil que dá pelo nome de Cupido...

Gostava ainda de dizer que isto está engraçado... Podíamos até iniciar aqui uma sala de chat ou assim! xD

E é também interessante verificar que se passou de um tema de "words of wisdom" para algo do género "feeling of stupidity"...
(Quem não se sente estúpido, com certa frequência, em frente à pessoa "amada"?!...)

Por fim, nunca é demais repetir:
Que grande blogue que para aqui vai, sim senhor!

Fiquem bem, meninas!... E portem-se mal!
Muitos beijões ************
Peace ;p