quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2007

Good luck!

I am not sure, but you all must be having your examinations right now.So i thought i'd wish best of luck to every1!
Don't panic,study hard,concentrate and focus, don't waste time and you'll do well!
ah, and don't worry!;)

A puzzle for you!

Hey everyone!! it's been so long!!I had my boards exams and now I've not been able to come online very often nowadays because i got 2 part time jobs and my bro has holidays,so he demands d PC!lo
well, i might be busy,but the fact is that most of us are damn bored during the holidays and don't know what to do.i came across this riddle/puzzle and and I'm sure it'll keep u busy for quite a while!i found the answer in a record of 13th attempt! :D
Write the answer that you got!
Here is the puzzle:

Can you find a 14 digit number containing two each of the digits one to seven?
The two 7's are separated by seven other digits;
The two 6's are separated by six other digits;
The two 5's are separated by five other digits;
The two 4's are separated by four other digits;
The two 3's are separated by three other digits;
The two 2's are separated by two other digits;
The two 1's are separated by one other digit.


quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2007

O Infante

Deus quer, o homem sonha, a obra nasce.
Deus quis que a terra fosse toda uma,
Que o mar unisse, já não separasse.
Sagrou-te, e foste desvendando a espuma,

E a orla branca foi de ilha em continente,
Clareou, correndo, até ao fim do mundo,
E viu-se a terra inteira, de repente,
Surgir, redonda, do azul profundo.

Quem te sagrou criou-te português.
Do mar e nós em ti nos deu sinal.
Cumpriu-se o Mar, e o Império se desfez.
Senhor, falta cumprir-se Portugal!

By Fernando Pessoa, in Mensagem